In The Renewal Factor, Robert Waterman says that it is interesting to “look up the word boss in a book of synonyms. At the start of the list you find manage and direct. Not bad. Then the list continues with control, order, command, take charge, preside over, oversee, supervise, superintend, domineer, dominate, push around, ride… [Read More]
Archives for December 2011
The Costs of Mistreating Employees
We must keep in mind all the costs of mistreating employees. Employees can express their dissatisfaction in a number of ways––all of them damaging: They can resign, taking important skills and customer knowledge with them; they can voice their discontent, thereby hurting morale; they can use every “sick day” available or continually show up late;… [Read More]
Are You a Good Listener?
Everyone in the organization, from the top to the bottom, should strive to communicate more effectively. According to research, we spend 7 out of every 10 minutes that we are awake communicating, and that communication time is devoted 9 percent to writing, 16 percent to reading, 30 percent to speaking, and 45 percent to listening…. [Read More]
Living Life With a Purpose
Some people measure success by the wealth they’ve accumulated, the power they’ve attained, or the status they’ve achieved. Yet, even though they’ve reached success beyond their wildest dreams, they still have an empty feeling — something is missing from their life. Purpose. In order to fill that void and be completely fulfilled in life, their… [Read More]