13 Ways To Be a Good Role Model
Hey, big shot. You don’t have to be a celebrity or a superstar to be a role model. Chances are if you’re a parent, teacher, coach, religious leader, or manager, you’re influencing people every day. Make it positive!
Set the bar high. Have high expectations for others and yourself. Avoid the tendency to adjust the target downward just to accommodate mediocrity.
Inspire others. When you’re a role model, every message you send is critical. For example, people will notice whether or not you value a good education, the relationship that you have with your spouse, how you work under pressure, how you behave during the Little League game, and whether you’re confident enough to admit fault. Don’t wait for the stars to align to demonstrate good behavior. Deliver your message every day in small ways.
Look in the mirror. Look to see if you’re sending the wrong message. Here are some examples of behavior gone awry: cheating has become a substitute for hard work; you have become ruthless to get ahead; drugs are your rewards for success; life is about stuff, not people; relationships are disposable; the only thing that matters is winning.
Stand for something. Good role models are objective and fair. Furthermore, they have the strength of their convictions. They believe what they say and say what they believe. Mark Twain may have said it best, “Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.”
Walk the talk. Ensure that your words and actions are consistent.
Integrity matters. Good role models are open, honest, and trustworthy. Make sure to finish what you start and follow through on commitments.
Be respectful. Treat others as you want to be treated.
Believe in yourself. Be confident in who you are and what you represent. But balance that confidence with a dose of humility.
Hold people accountable. Don’t accept bad behavior. Speak up against abuses. If you don’t condemn poor behavior, then you’re a co-conspirator. Life isn’t a spectator sport.
Nobody’s perfect. Accept responsibility for your actions. When you make a mistake, admit fault and show you mean it by taking corrective action.
You’re judged by the company you keep. Surround yourself with people of high character and integrity. They may rub off on you and provide extra encouragement when the stakes are high or the going gets tough.
Your soul is NOT for sale. Listen to your conscience. That’s why you have one.
Are You a Good Role Model?
This is adapted from Follow Your Conscience: Make a Difference in Your Life & in the Lives of Others By Frank Sonnenberg © 2014 Frank Sonnenberg. All rights reserved.
Additional Reading:
Who’s Your Hero?
Change Someone’s Life and You May End Up Changing Yours
Are Role Models Becoming Extinct?
11 Ways to Earn Respect
Moral Character Matters
ACTIONS Speak Louder than Words
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Awesome list, Frank! Thanks for populating the world with goodness. Enjoy your day!
I’m glad you like it. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and sharing this post with your colleagues.
Have an awesome day!
As a speaker and educator who prepares youth to be leaders and adults to be mentors and role models, I found this to be an extremely profound and specific list role model attributes. I look forward to sharing this information with others!
Many thanks,
Julie Connor, Ed.D.
Thanks Julie. Thank YOU for empowering our youth to be leaders and adults to be role models and mentors. You are making a difference.
Have an awesome day!
I would love to use this article as the basis of a piece that I am writing about the importance of role models. I would obviously be linking your article in the piece. I am just asking for your approval to do this.
Hi Kimberlee
Thanks for reaching out to me. Please send me an email @ Frank@FrankSonnenbergOnline telling what part of this article you’d like to use and where it will appear. I’ll make sure to get right back to you.
How do you be a role model if you are a kid
Hi Brianna
It’s the same as being a parent.
Set high standards, remain true to your values, listen to your conscience, and do yourself proud.
Thanks for taking the time to write.