Generally, when you make a mistake, you learn from it and move on. In other cases, however, poor choices become deeply ingrained as habits — which can lead to a lifetime of regret. Here are 25 choices that can change your life forever…
Do you:
Surround yourself with top-notch people? Recognize the impact that others have on your behavior. Keeping bad company is like being in a germ-infested area. You never know what you’ll catch.
Make reasonable sacrifices? Prepare to make sacrifices to achieve your goals. Before you dine from a silver platter, you must first eat from paper plates.
Accept personal responsibility? Own your life. If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see…don’t blame the mirror.
Believe in yourself? When you constantly seek approval, you give more weight to other people’s opinions than your own. Real friends accept you for who you are, not who they want you to be.
Possess a positive attitude? Your mindset matters more than you think. If you believe you can’t…you won’t.
Establish priorities? Make your priorities a priority. If you treat everything on your plate equally, you’re failing to dedicate the attention that your priorities deserve.
Set high standards? When you tolerate mediocrity, you get more of it. Mediocrity is a choice. I hope you choose to say “NO!”
Make learning a priority? There’s only one investment that will never lose value — an investment in yourself. Unless you learn something new every day, you’re becoming obsolete.
Put your heart into what you do? Superficial effort leads to superficial results. If you’re not willing to make the commitment, don’t complain about the outcome.
Know when enough is enough? Keeping up with the Joneses is like chasing a rainbow. While it might look beautiful from a distance, it will always be beyond your grasp. If you appreciate what you have, you’ll never want for more.
Prove your worth? You don’t get what you want; you get what you deserve. People stop trying when there’s no benefit for being exceptional and no consequence for being mediocre.
Set realistic expectations? Some folks believe that life isn’t fair — the outcome is predetermined — so it doesn’t pay to try. If you make yourself out to be a victim, you’ll eventually become one.
Leave your comfort zone? Failing to achieve something is excusable; failing to try is not. Some folks are so afraid of failing that they don’t try‚ and forfeit the opportunity as a result.
Stay informed? You are what you eat and the information that you digest. When your ears hear one thing, but your eyes see another…use your brain.
Think for yourself? Choose what’s right rather than what’s popular. One or many believers don’t determine the truth or untruth.
Take calculated risks? Some folks act first and think later. If you put all your eggs in one basket, any fall will be a messy one.
Maintain a healthy work/life balance? Your job doesn’t define you. Make a life while you make a living.
Take success in stride? Success is not guaranteed, it’s temporary. Achieving success doesn’t say as much about you as how you choose to wear it.
Make every moment matter? Many people are poor because the only thing they have is money. Material possessions get old and wear out. Memories last forever.
Seize the day? Be available, not just present. Enjoy the moment. You won’t have it again.
Build trusting relationships? It’s easier to treat people properly than to repair broken relationships. Never win at the expense of a relationship.
Show appreciation? Never take things for granted. Appreciate what you have, while you have it, or you’ll learn what it meant to you after you lose it.
Plant seeds for a better tomorrow? Everything you do today will impact your tomorrow. Never risk the things that’ll matter most to you one day because you feel the urge to satisfy yourself today.
Remain true to your values? Compromising your principles, even one time, can be a terrible mistake. People can’t make you do something without your permission.
Live with honor and integrity? Knowing what’s right isn’t as important as doing what’s right. You must answer to the toughest of all critics — your conscience.
You are the author of your life story. You can cherish every second or let time slip through your fingers. You can buy new things that’ll make you happy or you can be content with what you already have. You can make a difference in someone’s life or focus on more ways to better your own. You can drift along from dawn to dusk or live life like there’s no tomorrow. Choose well…or face a lifetime of regret. Your life is determined by the sum of the choices that you make.
Check out Frank’s latest book, The Path to a Meaningful Life.
Will You Avoid a Lifetime of Regret?
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Additional Reading:
What Are Your Biggest Regrets in Life?
You May Regret Not Reading This
6 Ways to Know You Need a Course Correction
10 Critical Rules for Living a Happy Life
Are You Letting Yourself Down?
Change Your Priorities: Change Your Life
Make Time: There’s No Dress Rehearsal in Life
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I am blessed by reading this article. This is the first time I have come across a write up that sums up life so succinctly. A series of choices we make every day. Thank you.
Thanks Mark. I’m so glad you like it 🙂
You hit the nail on the head, too.
Your life is determined by the sum of the choices that you make.
Thanks for taking the time to write.