When was the last time you paused to acknowledge all the wonderful things in your life such as good health, a roof over your head, and people who love you? The fact is that most people are so busy chasing things they don’t have, that they fail to appreciate the things they do. Be careful what you take for granted.
Some people think they’re in reasonably good health, their relationships are solid, and they have stashed away enough savings for an emergency. That gives them breathing room to take their eye off the ball and focus on other matters. After all, what could go wrong?
When you take people or things for granted, you put them in jeopardy. It’s not enough to make up for neglect after they’ve slipped away. As the saying goes, “People say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. Truth is, you knew exactly what you had…you just never thought you’d lose it.”
When you lose sight of the things that matter, you put them in jeopardy.
What Do You Take For Granted?
Continuously remind yourself of the wonderful things in your life. Here are 10 things you should never take for granted:
Relationships. Think about the energy consumed to build meaningful relationships. Do you continue to put your heart into them or expect friendships to take care of themselves? Invest in relationships to avoid the time repairing them.
Winning. When you’re winning a game, you may begin to taste victory. But that’s when you’re most vulnerable. In the immortal words of Yogi Berra, the baseball legend, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”
Youth. Children don’t stay young forever. In fact, before you know it, they’ll grow up and have kids of their own. If you want to be part of your child’s life, make it a priority, because time won’t wait.
Special moments. When you account for every second, you miss precious moments. Enjoy the moment. You won’t have it again.
Employee loyalty. Most executives say that attracting and retaining employees is a top priority. Too bad their actions don’t match their words. According to a poll, “Nearly half of American workers (46%) have left a job because they feel unappreciated.”*
Customers. Many companies work hard to attract new customers and then neglect them to chase new business. That’s their loss. Be careful what you treat as a given.
Goodness of people. Do you take the time to thank people who made a difference in your life? If you wait too long, that person may pass away, and you’ll lose the chance forever.
Success. Some people who rise to the top get overconfident. They rarely look over their shoulder to see if competitors are gaining ground. Remember, success is not guaranteed, it’s temporary.
Good times. Some folks think good times will last forever…until they don’t. Life is filled with ups and downs, so make the most of the in-betweens.
Freedom. Be careful what you take for granted. As former President Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”
Appreciate What You Have
Some people who have a close-knit family, enjoy a splendid career, are blessed with good health, and fortunate to have trusting relationships, don’t appreciate how good they have it. While these things were once a priority, now they’re treated as a “given” — no longer requiring significant attention. Moreover, some people may even feel a little bored and begin to look for something new in their life. It never crosses their mind that if they take these things for granted, they may lose the things they cherish most.
Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had.
You are blessed with many things in your life. You live in a free society, have power to control your destiny, and are surrounded by people who love you. What more could you want? The problem is that the more you see these blessings, the greater likelihood you turn a blind eye to them. Be careful what you take for granted.
Check out Franks NEW book, Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others
Are You Careful About What You Take For Granted?
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Additional Reading:
Complacency: The Enemy of Success
Do You Compare Yourself to Others?
What Constitutes a Meaningful Life?
Moments Lost
14 Things You Can’t Afford to Take for Granted
How to Create a Win-Win Relationship
25 Ways to Avoid a Lifetime of Regret
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Love this piece and your important reminders. Life, people, and time are all precious, and we need to treat them that way. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much, Lorelei. I’m glad you like it 🙂
Squeezing one more thing into your day doesn’t always make things better. In fact, it can actually make things worse. Happiness is a result of balance rather than intensity.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
This is a great reminder to cherish the things that truly matter in life, and not take them for granted.
My sister-in-law recently passed, and my wife, naturally, wishes she had spent more quality time with her.
You really don’t appreciate what you have until it is gone.
You’re so right, John
I’m so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. My only hope is that someone reading your comment reaches out to someone they love.
Thanks for taking the time to write.