Call it whatever you want: “All bark and no bite; All sizzle and no steak; All foam and no beer.” The meaning’s still the same — talk is cheap. The fact is, being all talk amounts to nothing more than hollow words.
While some people believe that saying something will make it come true, nothing can be further from the truth. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop people from behaving this way. They talk about dreams (but never act on them), make promises (but fail to keep them), and spew noble statements about what they stand for (but let’s get real…actions speak louder than words).
If you don’t think talk is cheap, we need to have a heart-to-heart conversation.
All Talk Speaks Volumes About You
Here are 10 examples which prove that talking a good game is as phony as a three-dollar bill:
Couch potato. It’s easy to talk about what you’re planning to do, but if you want things to happen, put up or shut up. Just sayin’.
Starting “bench warmer.” It’s easy to sip lattes and judge from the sidelines. But people who can — do. People who can’t — criticize.
Person with promise. It’s easy to make promises, but honorable people keep them. I promise.
Monday-morning quarterback. It’s easy to predict the past, but everything is obvious in retrospect.
Procrastinator. It’s easy to make a New Year’s resolution, but promises are meaningless unless you keep them. Even those you make to yourself.
Dreamer. It’s easy to have grandiose ambitions, but dreams, unlike eggs, don’t hatch from sitting on them.
Role model (not). It’s easy to say what you stand for, but if words aren’t supported by actions, they’re meaningless. Saying one thing, doing another doesn’t cut it. Do as I do, not as I say.
Do-gooder. It’s easy to volunteer others, but generous people don’t just talk a good game: they raise their own hand as well.
Sorry person. It’s easy to offer an apology, but words are meaningless unless you modify your behavior.
BIG talker. It’s easy to boast about past achievements, but what have you accomplished lately?
Let’s Talk Turkey
Big talkers are so good at talking a good game that they allow their words to become a substitute for action. They voice their intent, but rarely act. They complain rather than get in the game. They promise everything and deliver nothing. These folks know that their promises require action at some point in the future. And they pray that tomorrow never comes — but it does. And that has trouble written all over it.
If you talk out of both sides of your mouth, your behavior’s eventually going to catch up with you. At some point the bill will come due, and you’ll be expected to deliver on your word. Sure…you can probably dance to your own tune for a while. But just like the game of musical chairs — you never know when the music will stop.
When that happens, you can talk till you’re blue in the face, but people will see right through you. It’ll destroy the trust, credibility, and respect that took you so long to build up. In fact, from that point forward, people will question everything you say. Worse yet, you may even begin to doubt yourself.
If you want to be taken seriously, remember not to confuse talking a good game with living up to your word. When you say something…mean it. Act on your intentions, keep your promises, and honor your commitments. Make your voice stand for something. And make sure that your vows carry the full weight of your integrity. Promise yourself that you’ll live by these principles from this day forward. Do I have your word that you’ll give this some thought? Good…now we’re talking the same language!
Are You All Talk?
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Additional Reading:
It’s Better Done Than Said
May I Have a Word with You?
9 Barriers to Effective Communication
8 Communication Barriers in Business
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Omg ! I’m screwed Bc I don’t trust myself, and that’s scary. So where do I begin? Is it too late for me? .but I know for sure god is on my side. I know I’m a caring person and that I am determined to change as a human being and be the best role model for society but most importantly for myself.
Hi Tania
When you believe that something’s possible and you set your sights firmly on the prize, you’ve taken the first big step in making it a reality.
Most of us like to see progress right away. So, when we take baby steps, and can’t detect advancement, we abandon our efforts thinking that we’ve failed. The truth is, measuring progress is often like watching grass grow. While it’s difficult to detect movement on a daily basis, it’s simple to see growth over time. That said, if you are determined to change, I’m sure you’ll get there. After all, you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.
Thanks for taking the time to write.