Some people possess incredible potential for success, and yet they find themselves grappling to hit their stride. They believe success is beyond their control rather than accepting personal responsibility for their circumstances. This mindset has real consequences. If you convince yourself that you are powerless to shape your destiny or that you are at the mercy of others, why would you work hard, invest in your personal development, or make the required sacrifices to succeed? You’re more likely to wait for things to happen than actually make them happen. The result is that you never reach your true potential, as you’re tempted to throw in the towel and give up — a tragic outcome. Conversely, believing in yourself and pursuing your dreams with gusto can pave the way for success. As Theodore Roosevelt said, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
Are You Sabotaging Your Success?
In reality, there are two ways to derail your dreams in life: factors imposed by others and those self-inflicted.
Some people are as toxic as venomous snakes, injecting negativity and poison into your life. These naysayers contend that the likelihood of your success is slim, that people like you don’t stand a chance, or that you aren’t up to the challenge that lies before you. Instead of brushing off their negativity and believing in yourself, you take their comments to heart and cash in your dreams, thinking they know better. The truth is that you’ll always find folks who don’t like you, want to discourage you from trying, or are simply jealous and want to stop you dead in your tracks. Believe them at your peril. As Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
Self-sabotage represents the second way to hinder your success. Some people believe that if success is beyond your control or if you are entirely dependent on others’ support, then you cannot be blamed if your dreams don’t come true. In reality, while it may be easy to “blame” others for your circumstances, your destiny lies solely in your hands.
It’s one thing to lose to a better opponent and quite another to beat yourself.
22 Ways You May Be Undermining Your Success
Is your behavior self-destructive? Here are 22 ways to hinder your success…
Do you:
- Have a poor attitude?
- Belittle yourself?
- Refuse to make personal sacrifices?
- Talk a good game, but fail to act?
- Seek immediate gratification rather than invest for the long term?
- Give up at the drop of a hat?
- Refuse to leave your comfort zone?
- Fail to keep promises to others — and to yourself?
- Follow the pack instead of thinking for yourself?
- Start things but never finish them?
- Try to do the bare minimum?
- Downplay the importance of trust?
- Resist feedback?
- Vilify people rather than investing in your own development?
- Feel sorry for yourself?
- Fail to learn from experience?
- Think solely about your own needs?
- Try to win at any cost?
- Opt for shortcuts instead of putting in the hard work?
- Blame others for your circumstances?
- Think the world owes you something?
- Lack honor and integrity?
Don’t Sell Yourself Short
Success often looks easy. Yet behind every triumph lies a tale of relentless effort, unseen challenges, and the unwavering commitment to overcome them. The truth is that you have the potential to accomplish great things in life, but you must be willing to work hard, make the required commitment, and endure the necessary sacrifices to achieve that end.
The more you choose to accept responsibility for your life, the more power you’ll have to determine your destiny. As Professor Randy Pausch said, “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Life is unpredictable, but your response to it doesn’t have to be.
In the end, the sum of your choices and the way you navigate life’s challenges defines the course of your journey. Embrace responsibility, adapt to the winds of change, and play your cards with purpose — for within these choices lies your true strength…and that will ultimately determine your destiny. Believe that you can, and you will.
Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Do You Believe that You Can?
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Additional Reading:
The Power of a Positive Attitude
Great Things Start with Great Expectations
If You Believe You Can’t, You Won’t
Mindfulness: 13 Ways to obtain a Positive Mindset
Where Does Confidence Come from?
Do You Have a Victim Mentality?
Mental Barriers: What’s Holding You Back?
How to Deal With People who Undermine Your Confidence
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What a wonderful message, Frank. Thanks for always lifting us up.
My pleasure, Lorelei!
Thanks for being such a positive force. You’re making a difference every day.
Thanks for taking the time to write 🙂