There was a time when keeping your word held special significance. We took great pride in being of good character. Personal integrity was both expected and valued. That was a time when everyone knew each other’s family, and you wouldn’t do anything that would cast a shadow on your family’s good name. It was a time when integrity was instilled in children at a very early age and was viewed as instrumental in achieving success. The truth is, our world may have changed, but the importance of integrity has not. Your word is your bond. While we may not know everyone in our own town, the world is still smaller than you think. Create some bad news and you’ll learn this for yourself.
Every time you give your word, you’re putting your honor on the line. You’re implying that others can place their trust in you because you value integrity and would never let them down. It goes without saying that if you don’t live up to your word, you may end up tarnishing your credibility, damaging your relationships, and defaming your reputation. Most importantly, you’ll be letting yourself down. You must answer to your conscience every minute of every day. As Theodore Roosevelt said, “I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!”
But . . . when you operate with complete integrity, what you say will be taken at face value, your intentions will be assumed honorable, and your handshake will be as good as a contract. Most importantly, you can take great pride in the standards that you’ve set for yourself and sleep well at night knowing that your conscience is clear. As for others . . . just when they think they’re fooling the world, they’ll realize that they’re only fooling themselves. Honor matters! Your word is your bond, after all.
Do You Think Honor Matters? Your Word is Your Bond.
This is adapted from Follow Your Conscience: Make a Difference in Your Life & in the Lives of Others By Frank Sonnenberg © 2014 Frank Sonnenberg. All rights reserved.
Additional Reading:
Moral Character Matters
Follow Your Conscience
Honest: The Plain and Simple Truth
The Values on Which Trust Rests
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You have done it again. Words of leadership that are poetic as they are dogma.
I believe…
Your word matters.
Your trust matters.
Your integrity matters.
Conduct is the best proof of character.
Thanks again for all that you do- You matter!
Lolly Daskal
Lead From Within
Hi Lolly
You’re so right when you say, “Conduct is the best proof of character.” Great leaders and role models follow the tenant, “Do as I do, not as i say.”
More great insights, Frank.
How did you get to be so wise?
Thanks so much, Bob. Senator Alan Simpson got it right when he said, “If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.” Have an awesome day!
Thank you! It seems sad that there is such a need to be reminded of this but you do it with such finesse! Keep sounding this bell till it’s heard around the world!
Thanks Anita.
You’re right. For people with sound character, this sounds so basic. For others … it’s a revelation. When will we learn that there’s a direct correlation between integrity and the bottom line. In the long run, doing the right thing is the clear path to both success and happiness.