In today’s world, we’re inundated with tips on health, wellness, and longevity. While immortality may be unattainable, you can still leave a lasting impact that keeps your memory alive — allowing you to live forever in the hearts and minds of others. Have you considered your legacy? What would you like your epitaph to say?
You might think, “Who cares? I won’t be here to see it.” True, but thinking about how you want to be remembered can influence how you live today.
In my friend Linda Ellis’s powerful poem “The Dash,” she highlights the significance of the dash as a symbol of the time between birth and death. The poem urges readers to consider how they live their lives and the impact they have on others, suggesting that it’s not the dates on a gravestone that matter but how we spend our time in between. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder to live meaningfully and prioritize relationships and experiences.
You may not have the control to lengthen your life, but you can do much to deepen it.
Priorities First
Everyone was put on this earth for a unique reason…what’s yours? As you take a moment to reflect on your legacy, consider the following:
- Are you proud of the way that you live your life?
- Would you rather be successful or happy?
- Are you more focused on the spotlight or the mirror?
- Do you value relationships more than possessions?
- Are you a generous heart or a selfish soul?
- What matters more to you: what you achieved or how you achieved it?
- Will your legacy be defined by who you are or by what you own?
- Do you understand that parenting goes beyond simply having children?
- Did you know that being physically present is different from making someone feel valued?
- Do you hope your kids will turn out like you or pray that they won’t?
One of the things that we don’t like to discuss is that we’re all getting older. In fact, many of us believe that if we ignore this reality, it might go away. You have a choice to define your legacy as you see fit or to go with the flow and let it be defined for you. Are you a good role model? Do you spend more time on urgent tasks or important ones? Do you care more about making a difference in others’ lives or enriching your own? Would you compromise your integrity to get what you want? Are you passing your values on to your children or allowing society to shape their perspectives? Are you sharing your knowledge, or will it perish with you?
Moments may fade, but their memories last forever.
If you could live your life again, what would you change? You’re the author of your life story. Every decision you make shapes your narrative. Take ownership of your choices and let them lead you toward the future you desire. Seize each moment and strive to leave a lasting impact. As William Wallace, the Scottish knight, said, “Every man dies. Not every man really lives.” Do you want to leave a legacy that lives on forever?
Check out Frank’s latest book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Do You Want to leave a Legacy that Lives On Forever?
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Additional Reading:
What Do a Wedding and a Funeral Have in Common?
How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
What Are Your Biggest Regrets in Life?
Are You Selfless or Selfish?
The Secret to True Happiness
Happy People Know This … Do You?
25 Ways to Avoid a Lifetime of Regret
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