It seems really hard to come by the truth these days. Politicians spin the truth, the media substitutes opinion for news, and some colleges and universities restrict debate. I’d like to address this message to all those engaged in these activities, as well as anyone else who falls into this category. As they say, “If the shoe fits…” Let’s be truthful.
Why are you so afraid of the truth? Is your case so weak that you have to resort to dishonesty and deception?
We know you’d like to persuade us to your point of view. But if you show bias, exaggerate or misrepresent the truth, omit important facts, or bully us to accept your viewpoint, what do you expect us to think?
If you had a powerful argument you wouldn’t resort to dishonesty.
While deceit may help you win in the short term, the truth has a funny way of rising to the surface. And when it does, your credibility and reputation won’t be worth a dime. In fact, we’ll probably question everything else that you say in the future.
Facts don’t lie. People do.
When a person lies repeatedly, they earn a reputation as someone who can’t be trusted. If enough people within an organization prove to be dishonest, the institution’s reputation will be as good as mud. And if enough organizations within an industry appear disreputable, the whole industry can become tainted
Let’s Stop the Race to the Bottom
If you’re so sure that the truth is on your side, be objective, give us all the facts, share your assumptions, and let us draw our own conclusions. If your case is strong, we’ll see the light. Conversely, if your argument’s not compelling, stop pressuring us to agree with you.
You don’t earn trust and respect by showing bias, twisting the truth, or omitting key information; the truth never lies.
You don’t win a debate by suppressing information, limiting discussion, or restricting debate; you win it with a better argument.
It’s time to reject “business as usual” and advocate for the truth. You have more at stake than winning an argument. Your trust, respect, and credibility are on the line. How much is that worth? Everything! When you stand for the truth, everything you say carries the voice of credibility. When you prove to be dishonest, you’re not only disrespecting others, you’re letting yourself down. Let’s be truthful. Always tell the truth, or the truth will tell on you.
Follow your conscience. Sleep well.
How Truthful Are You?
Please leave a comment and tell us what you think or share it with someone who can benefit from the information.
Additional Reading:
Honesty: The Plain and Simple Truth
A Promise Is a Promise
This Discussion Has No Room for Debate
The Benefits of Being Open-Minded
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Well said! If you say thing based on facts, don’t be offended by what I say. Careful of those who are hard of hearing, figuratively, they will find a way to denounce your statement of facts.
I believe that debate is always healthy. But as, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”
Thanks for taking the time to write.
Dear Frank,
An awesome piece…..the truth sets us free!
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Winfred. As I like to say, “Honest people never fear the truth.”
Thanks for taking the time to write.
Honesty is one of the foundations of a successful company.
You’re absolutely right, Patrica. Honesty is a pillar of trust. Without trust no company can ever hope for excellence.
Thanks for taking the time to write
Dishonesty is so frustrating. In India PILs(Public Interest Litigations) are becoming the norm. The case drags on for years with no end to it. Of late courts are taking cognizance of acts of both immission and commission.
I sensed a lot of seething anger in-between the lines. Remember keeping your scruples with yourself can make life wonderful.
I hear you. I am all about honor and integrity. If you care about your credibility and reputation, desire the respect of friends and family, or want to be taken seriously in life…integrity matters. Integrity is more than a platitude; it defines you as a person.
Honor must be more than something that is talked about; it must be at the core of everything that is done. As former Senator Alan K. Simpson said, “If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.”
BTW, it’s important to distinguish between anger and passion. I feel strongly about these issues, if you couldn’t tell 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to write.