One minute doesn’t seem like much over a lifetime, but even a second matters more than you think. The fact is, precious moments pass in the blink of an eye. And once they’re gone, they’re gone forever.
It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by the complexities of life. We juggle a million balls, run in a zillion directions, and respond to demands that are placed on us each day. The result is that we’re so busy being busy that we allow ourselves to get distracted from the things that really matter.
Where Did Time Go?
Are you conscious of the habits you’ve developed over time?
Busy bee. Some folks are always on the run. They spend so much time looking at their watch that they rarely take time to savor the moment.
Worrywart. Some folks are so afraid of what tomorrow will bring that they spend more time worrying about what might happen rather than enjoying what is happening.
Juggler. Some folks multitask so much that they never give their undivided attention to anything. Even though they’re physically present, you’re never quite sure if they’re really there.
Naysayer. Some folks are so busy complaining about life that they fail to see the rainbow shining through the clouds.
Braggart. Some folks are so fixated on showing off their success that they don’t realize their game playing is all-consuming –– with no end in sight.
Eager beaver. Some folks’ lust for power starts out as a goal, but ends up as an obsession. They’re so busy clawing their way to the top that they overlook the price they’re paying to get there.
Hothead. Some folks spend so much time harboring anger that it consumes their day and overshadows their blessings.
Ungrateful. Some folks take things for granted and then frantically try to win back what they never took the time to appreciate.
Pushover. Some folks spend so much effort trying to win acceptance from others that they never satisfy their own needs.
Grouch. Some folks bring work concerns home with them and take their frustrations out on the people they care about most.
Self-absorbed. Some folks are so wrapped up in their own needs that they fail to notice the desires of their loved ones.
Time waster. Some folks waste their time each day and then wonder, with amazement, why they don’t have time for anything that’s important to them.
Not a Moment to Spare
If some of these habits sound familiar to you, it’s time to chart a new course. Here are some points to keep in mind.
Develop good habits. It’s just as easy to develop a good habit as a bad habit. So be conscious of your actions and scrutinize your behavior –– remember that repetition often becomes habit.
Prioritize. Keep a proper perspective. Everything on your plate isn’t equally important. Checking items off a to-do list doesn’t determine progress; focus your attention on the things that matter.
Invest your time. Think of time as your most valuable currency and invest it wisely.
Think small. Although most people plan for major milestones, it’s equally important to recognize the small things. Over time, the cumulative effect of doing the little things right, each and every day, makes a BIG difference.
Do one thing at a time. Try to focus on one thing at a time. When you feel the urge to multitask, pull yourself back.
Disconnect. Every call, text, or e-mail doesn’t require an immediate response. Disconnect and enjoy the moment. Things will wait.
Do nothing. Life doesn’t have to be a race. Spend some time doing nothing and enjoying the silence and solitude.
Live in the moment. Yesterday is over and tomorrow may never happen. Plan for tomorrow, but live for today.
Moments Don’t Last Forever
When I look around I see so many folks scrambling to meet life’s growing demands. What do we gain, or lose, by acting this way? The truth is, it’s so easy to get caught up in our routines that we don’t realize we’re turning life into a race. (You’d think we’d learn something from seeing a hamster run around on a wheel.)
Wouldn’t it be sad if you felt so under the gun that you didn’t have the time to enjoy your baby’s belly laugh, see his first steps, or cheer her across the finish line? Wouldn’t it be disappointing if you spent so much time thinking about the past that you never had time to treasure the present? Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if you opened your eyes one day and sighed, “I should have” — when you actually could have?
One day you’ll recognize how valuable special moments were in your life. You’ll appreciate the joy that those times brought you in the past and the pleasure their memories bring you today. And you’ll realize that moments, rather than possessions, are the true treasures of life. In fact, you wouldn’t trade them for all the riches in the world. So, if you can’t “find” the time to quit the rat race … make the time! Seize each moment before it passes you by. Remember, moments don’t last forever, but their memories do.
Additional Reading:
Make Time: There’s No Dress Rehearsal in Life
Make Every Moment Matter
Doing Nothing Is Time Well Spent
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Love reading this! What a perfect thing to ponder on a weekend. Thank you!
Glad you like it, Katarina. Have a happy weekend!