One of the things that I learned from my driver’s education instructor was never to look at a passerby on the sidewalk when you’re driving. Why? When you look at anything, other than the car in front of you, you’re inclined to steer toward it. This phenomenon is a well-known principle in dirt bike riding… [Read More]
Always Do Your Best
Do you remember back-to-school night? It’s an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers and hear what their kids will be learning that year. When I was a youngster, if I was lucky, the session ran long so my parents didn’t have a chance to meet one-on-one with my teacher afterward. After all, the inevitable… [Read More]
9 Reasons Why Being Busy Is a Shortcoming
Did You Know That Dogs Can Fly?
Did you know that dogs can fly? Not all dogs, silly. But some dogs can. How do I know? Did I ever see one fly? Not really. But I heard it from a very good source, and I also read it somewhere. Look for yourself. It’s all over the Internet. I also heard a couple… [Read More]
50 Signs That You’re a Train Wreck
Some people are a train wreck about to happen. They’re greedy and self-absorbed, and they routinely make unforced errors. To make matters worse, they lack proper scruples and have a lousy attitude to boot. (Ugh.) It’s like they can’t seem to get out of their own way. Do you know anyone who’s a train wreck… [Read More]
25 Actions That SHOUT Strong Work Ethic
Work ethic is a set of essential values that strengthens your character, boosts your career, and leads to a more fulfilling life. In addition, a strong work ethic is instrumental in helping an organization achieve success. Work ethic is as much an attitude as it is an activity. As Ken Blanchard, leadership expert and author,… [Read More]
Do Your Friends Feel Comfortable Around You?
When you visit friends, do you labor over what to wear? Are you conscious of how you come across? Do you consider some subjects off limits because you’re afraid the discussion may turn into an argument, or you might be judged? In short, are you comfortable being yourself around your friends? Wait a minute. If… [Read More]
Do You Make Unforced Errors?
Everyone makes mistakes. After all, we’re only human. But what if the blunder could have been avoided? In other words, the error wasn’t due to an uncontrollable event or competitive pressure — it was totally within your control. Do you make unforced errors? There’s a difference between making a mistake and being the cause of… [Read More]
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