Some people think they deserve all the good things in life simply because others have them. It never occurs to them that the folks they marvel at probably worked their butts off and made great sacrifices to earn those rewards. If you believe the American work ethic is “old school,” you’d better repeat the class. Are you willing to make the sacrifice?
Don’t get me wrong…it’s understandable that everyone wants the comforts in life, but it’s unreasonable to expect rewards without earning them. The fact is, rewards aren’t there for the asking; they’re given to the deserving.
You may be thinking this message is limited to material possessions, but that’s not the case. The fact is, lasting friendships, successful business partnerships, well-adjusted children, and long-term marriages don’t just happen. They’re the result of hard work and commitment. Plus, you must be willing to make sacrifices if you want success in these areas.
All Great Achievements Require Sacrifice
Every relationship, romantic or otherwise, requires a certain level of sacrifice to achieve success. When you care for someone, you’re willing to make these sacrifices because you have their best interest at heart, not because you have a gun to your head. This doesn’t mean you have to forgo all your needs or abandon your principles, but relationships thrive when you forge mutual dependence in which you build something better together than you would have apart.
Friendship. There’s a difference between a friend and an acquaintance. As a friendship develops, each person becomes more invested in the relationship. That means trust, respect, selflessness, and commitment become hallmarks. That doesn’t just happen. It requires hard work, dedication, and sacrifice on everyone’s part.
Business partnerships. A true partnership is a win-win rather than a winner-take-all proposition. That means not trying to gain the upper hand, but rather, compromising and sacrificing for the good of the whole.
Marriage. Marriage is not a living arrangement or the pooling of finances; it represents the ultimate commitment. Marriage is a solemn promise to share your life with another person rather than going it alone. That means putting your heart into the relationship and embracing a mindset of “we” rather than “me” and of “what’s mine is now ours.”
Parenting. Having kids is not the same as being a parent. Behind every good kid are parents, or caregivers, who understand the importance of raising them that way. That means offering them your unconditional love and making the sacrifice that enables them to flourish and reach their true potential.
How Giving Enriches You
Life is all about choices; you get to decide what you’re willing to give up in order to gain the things that you cherish most. If you’re not willing to sacrifice, you’ll get what you deserve.
Some people think the world revolves around them… their comfort, their preferences, and their happiness. Although they want healthy relationships, they’re not willing to make the effort or the sacrifice that’s required. Instead, they’re more likely to exploit every opportunity to get what they want…but at what cost?
If you want to build trust and earn the respect of others, you have to earn it. No one wants to be friends with or work alongside people who are egotistical or selfish. Good people make sacrifices for others. It’s that simple. Be willing to make the first kind gesture and watch something magical happen. Whether it’s for your neighbor, family, or country, people with strong moral character make sacrifices for the greater good. They give freely of themselves without any expectation of personal gain because they’re as excited about the success of others as they are about their own. The way I see it, give of yourself because it’s the right thing to do and more often than not, it comes back to you. Sacrifice for the greater good AND for your own good.
Are You Willing to Make the Sacrifice?
Please leave a comment and tell us what you think or share it with someone who can benefit from the information.
Additional Reading:
The Secrets of a Successful Marriage
Parenthood Isn’t Child’s Play
Compromise: Redefining Winning
There’s More to Friendship Than Friending
How to Create a Win-Win Relationship
15 Common Myths About Building Trust
Fair Is Fair
Living the Golden Rule
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Hi Frank,
I like your article …
You say “If you want to build trust and earn the respect of others, you have to earn it.”
For me it is and it was not so much about “earning something”.
When we think steadily in “earning” we make us small and insignificant.
This is the false perspective.
The perspective is on us.
WE have to give OUR trust in order that others can give us their trust, too.
With this attitude we have a better feeling for us … and we don’t have to make us small.
When we think in “earning something”, we have the feeling we must be “trustworthy” and that is false.
Worthy or not worthy …. how derogatory is that …
This means that we have no value …
For sure, trustworthiness is very important in our life … no question!
However, with the above mentioned orientation, we begin to develop the thinking:
I first must behave totally in order to be appreciated … and here we could perhaps forget our own value…
We have a value … and we deserve a bit of respect, too.
Trust is always an interesting topic for me … you certainly believe that …
Send you best regards
Karin Sebelin
Hi Karin
Some people believe that because they’re rich, powerful, or famous, they deserve our respect — regardless of their behavior.
Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. It doesn’t matter whether you’re young or old, rich or poor, work on the top floor or down in the basement, everyone earns respect the same way. You can’t require respect or demand it. You can’t cut deals or take shortcuts. You can’t buy respect or even place a price tag on it. And that’s because respect is earned. That’s why it’s important to act with integrity at all times. Moral character matters!
Thanks for taking the time to write.
Hi Frank,
I always like interacting with you …you inspire people with your words …
Indeed, integrity and a good behavior are very important factors, when we want to be seen as person of trust, when we want to be trustworthy.
People should learn a bit more of your inspirations, Frank …
The feeling is mutual. I ALWAYS appreciate your wisdom and insight.
Hi Frank,
thank you for your trust in me …
I appreciate your words …
Always my pleasure Karin.
Sacrifice those things that other people not; and get those things that other people not.
Well said!
As I say, “You don’t get what you want; you get what you deserve.”
Thanks so much for sharing.
How do i make sacrifice for people i love
Hi Ifeoluwa
In any good relationship, people give willingly of themselves without an expectation of getting something in return. The reward is not personal gain but rather, making the other person happy.
You may be interested in “20 Ingredients of a Marriage Made in Heaven”
Thanks for taking the time to write.
Dear Frank,
You seem to be a man with insigt. It felt good to read your article especially after I cried today. Sometimes it’s important to understand that you’re not truly alone with your principles and values. I sacrificed my happiness for the sake of my child who I adore. I’ve had a few surgeries before my divorce many years ago. I had an opportunity to get to know a fine man while I was travelling wirh my seven year old son almost eight years ago. It’s very strange, that I subconsciously didn’t encourage that great man to come into my life. Today, after eight years I had tears in my eyes that I missed out on a possible love. Surprisingly, I realised while crying that I’ve sacrificed all along, be it my career prospects (I could’ve risen very high on the corporate ladder), love life give my son a stable and happy childhood. There are no regrets, rather a feeling of satisfaction to protect not just his happiness but indirectly also my peace of mind. In fact, my decision to not get involved with that great man also protected his happiness against my pain – I couldn’t give him a child due to my spine surgeries – it was risky. You see, one can try to avoid sacrifice for some short term pleasure, but destiny has your future planned for you. No matter how much people avoid sacrifice, they do land up having their fair share of pain and disapointments – one can’t escape it in life – sooner or later, it hits hard! I might never get the love of a man, romantically but I feel happy that I created happiness for orhers…just sharing 🙂
Hi Sangeeta
Thank you for sharing your story.
When some people look back on their life, they gauge success by the power that they attained and the wealth that they accumulated. Others measure the degree to which their life was rich in character and purpose.
The key is to know what matters most to you and be unwilling to compromise those priorities at any price.
You’re lucky that you know what matters most to you — your son. I applaud the sacrifices that you’ve made to insure his happiness. That’s beautiful.
Thanks for taking the time to write.