Vacation: The Price of Peace and Quiet
“OMG … Is it morning already?”
“You’ve got to love that commute.”
“I can’t believe how many e-mails I get!”
“This meeting is such a waste of time.”
“We did what? I’ll call the customer.”
“What’s with our server?”
“Oh great. More meetings. (Ugh.)”
“I sent it hours ago. I’ll e-mail it again.”
“You need it when? (Ugh.)”
“So much for MY priority list.”
“I wish the phone would stop ringing.”
“Did that package ever arrive?”
“Sorry. I can’t. I’m on a tight deadline.”
“Are we still in fifth grade?”
“I’ve gotta run or I’ll miss my train.”
“What does he expect me to do from home?”
“I’d better check my e-mail before bed.”
Repeat until retirement. (“Are we there yet?”)
It’s Time for a Vacation
For a few weeks a year we get to do what we want, when we want. We can sleep late, take a quiet walk, stare at the water, or watch a beautiful sunset. But most of all, we get to relax. We put up with a lot to earn a little peace and quiet, don’t we?
When Is Your Next Vacation?
Additional Reading:
Doing Nothing Is Time Well Spent
Make Time: There’s No Dress Rehearsal in Life
Moments of a Lifetime
Your Happiness Lies in the Balance
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Just reading about a vacation relaxes me! It is so important to recharge the batteries. Time to plan one!
Hi Skip
It’s interesting that you say, “Reading about a vacation relaxes me.” I recently read a study which said that people benefit from vacation in three ways. First, they get excited during the planning process, second, they enjoy the actual experience and third, the memory brings pleasure too. Plan away.