There is great truth in the saying, “What gets measured, gets done.” When outcomes are defined and regular measurement takes place, people are more likely to stay focused, remain accountable, and take the necessary actions to achieve the objectives. However, what if you’re focusing on the wrong things? As Peter Drucker said, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” In other words, what counts that you’re not counting?
If you examine a company’s balance sheet, you’ll find assets, liabilities, and equity clearly listed. When you review a company’s profit and loss statement, you’ll encounter revenue and expenses. While I acknowledge the importance of these financial elements, one may wonder why certain vital aspects, such as employee commitment, customer loyalty, the organization’s reputation, and the credibility of its leaders, are not explicitly included. Are they suggesting that those factors are unimportant? As Tony Robbins, the author, coach, and speaker, said, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” This truism holds true for business as well as your personal life.
What Matters Most to You?
What matters most to you? It’s a simple yet profound question that prompts us to reflect on the things that hold the most significance in our lives, helping us understand our fundamental priorities and values. However, that’s not always easy. As Albert Einstein said, “Many of the things you can count, don’t count. Many of the things you can’t count, really count.”
Examine aspects that are commonly overlooked but hold value.
In business:
- Is your organization innovative, and does it respond quickly to changing market conditions?
- Do you have a streamlined organization, or do you get weighed down by bureaucracy and red tape?
- Do leaders set the bar high or tolerate mediocrity?
- Are employees genuinely committed to the cause or are they merely following orders?
- Do employees work in unison, or do they operate at cross-purposes with each other?
- Are your employees loyal, or would they jump ship for a better offer?
- Do people prioritize long-term customer relationships over short-term sales?
- Are your employees flexible, and do they adapt well to change?
- Do you foster win-win supplier relationships, or do you seek the upper hand?
- Do you capture knowledge from departing employees, or do you allow that vital information to slip out the door?
On a personal note:
- Is your mindset propelling you forward, or is it holding you back?
- Do you invest in the future, or do you refuse to make sacrifices?
- Do you remain true to your values, or do you bend to peer pressure?
- Do you give as much as you take, exercise your mind as much as your body, and live an honorable life that makes you proud?
- Do you generally try to please yourself or satisfy others?
- Do you try your best, or do just enough to get by?
- Do you appreciate what you have, or do you continuously strive for more?
- Do you listen to your conscience, or does it give you the silent treatment?
If these things count, why aren’t you counting them?
It’s About What Truly Counts
Some people believe that if things are difficult to quantify, they can be overlooked. However, this perspective is misguided. The brilliance of a groundbreaking concept, the spark of ingenious inspiration, or the depth of artistic expression defies straightforward measurement. Just because creativity can’t be distilled into numbers doesn’t diminish its crucial role in pushing the boundaries of human potential.
Considering this, how significant are innovation, flexibility, and adaptability for an organization? And how does one gauge the intensity of someone’s love or the depth of someone’s happiness? The fact is, the intangible aspects that evade easy measurement do not diminish their importance. As the saying aptly puts it, “If it’s not a priority, you’ll find an excuse. If it is a priority, you’ll find a way.” What counts that you’re not counting?
Check out Frank’s latest book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
What Counts that You’re Not Counting?
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Additional Reading:
The Value of Values
Mental Barriers: What’s Holding You Back?
Are You Grateful?
Are You Inflexible and Stuck in Your Ways?
How to Create a Win-Win Relationship
What Works Better — Obedience or Commitment?
Why Moral Authority Matters
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