We all have dreams and ambitions, but ambition alone isn’t enough — what are you prepared to sacrifice to achieve yours? Will you push through exhaustion, forgo momentary satisfaction for lasting success, and forge ahead when every fiber of your being urges you to stop and give up? It’s easy to say “yes” now, but will your actions align with your promises?
To excel at anything, you must put in effort, make sacrifices, and show unwavering determination. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Yet, some folks expect everything to be handed to them without much effort. They believe everyone deserves a trophy.
Trying Comes Before Wanting
You may say you’re trying, but do your actions align with your words? Success demands more than:
- Simply wanting it badly.
- Talking a good game.
- Treating the effort like a part-time job.
- Complaining that others have it easier.
- Promising to start “tomorrow.”
- Relying on others to fight your battles (like parents speaking to the coach).
- Putting in effort only some of the time (like on game day).
- Matching the effort of the “average” person.
- Trying to cram to make up for lost time.
- Quitting at the first sign of struggle.
- Blaming circumstances for holding you back.
Are You Willing to Pay Your Dues?
To succeed at anything, you must be realistic about what it takes to win. Success demands clarity of purpose and the passion to pursue your goals relentlessly. Without hard work, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment, crossing the finish line remains a dream. As Thomas Jefferson wisely noted, “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”
Here are six guidelines to shape your journey:
Clarity. Define what you truly want and how much it matters to you.
Honesty. Be realistic about the effort and sacrifices required.
Accountability. Break free from excuses. Do you really want it or not?
Ownership. Take full responsibility — your destiny lies entirely in your hands.
Action. Take the first step; without effort, nothing will change.
Commitment. Honor the promises you make to others –– and to yourself.
Will You Pay the Price of Success?
Some people make success look easy, but rest assured, they’ve paid their dues. The truth is, you’ll never fully grasp the effort, sacrifices, and unwavering dedication it took — weeks, months, or even years — to reach that point. That’s the price of ambition.
While you may feel angry or resentful of others’ achievements, what you don’t see are the long days, sleepless nights, and setbacks they faced before crossing the finish line. The key is, their success doesn’t mean yours is out of reach. You have what it takes, if you’re willing to pay your dues. Success won’t be handed to you on a silver platter; you can’t buy it, demand it, or expect it without earning it. So, if you have dreams and ambitions, stop comparing yourself to others —look in the mirror.
The one who might be holding you back is you.
Everything you do today shapes your tomorrow. Every excuse you make — whether to yourself or others — for breaking your commitment, even just once, holds back your progress. The truth is, a single event won’t derail your plans; it’s the small compromises that can lead to your downfall.
Every small step you take in the right direction brings you closer to your dreams. Stay committed, push through the challenges, and don’t let minor setbacks steer you off course. As legendary football coach Vince Lombardi said, “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”
Check out Frank’s latest book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Are You Willing to Pay the Price of Ambition?
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Additional Reading:
Take Ownership by Taking Responsibility
Are You Enthusiastic for the Success of Others?
Don’t Quit. Show Some Grit.
Hard Work Is Good for Your Soul
Karma: Make Your Own Luck
You Should Be So Lucky
Perseverance: The Secret to Success
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