If I asked you to describe the feeling of emptiness, you might reply, “stark, gloomy, and meaningless.” If I asked you to describe apathy, you might say, “a blank stare, a dwindling flame, or being emotionally absent.” You might even return to the word “emptiness.” Do these terms describe some people you know? Who cares? (I hope you do!)
The truth is, some folks don’t care about anything. They rarely get involved or pull their own weight. Plus, they have no work ethic, no sense of pride, and they invest just enough effort to squeak by. In fact, they’re indifferent about most things in life. You could say that apathetic people are among the living dead.
Some folks may say, “Who cares if I’m apathetic? I’m not hurting anyone.” But that’s not true. They’re cheating themselves out of the thrill of overcoming a challenge; they’re depriving themselves of the satisfaction that comes with caring; and they’re robbing themselves of knowing that they’ve made a difference.
The truth is, who cares if you speak your mind or sit in silence, win or lose, or ever try your best? You should! Even if you have all the talent in the world, you won’t amount to anything if you don’t apply yourself. As Jimmy Buffett said, “Is it ignorance or apathy? Hey, I don’t know and I don’t care.”
Do You Have a Care in the World?
Look in the mirror. What’s turning you off? Is apathy an isolated event or does it permeate many areas of your life? Is someone discouraging you or are you holding yourself back? The fact is, if you’re not willing to make the commitment, don’t complain about the outcome.
Leave your comfort zone. Don’t wake up one day and regret that you didn’t pursue your dreams because you let fear get in your way. What’s worse — failing or never trying?
If you’re in a rut, climb out. Stop procrastinating and get started. Dreams, unlike eggs, don’t hatch from sitting on them.
Find your passion. Try something new. Start small. If it doesn’t work out, limit your losses, and move on. If things go well, build on your success.
Check your attitude. Attitude is everything. Believe in your ability to make a difference. If you believe you can’t…you won’t.
It’s Never Too Late to Care
Even though some folks show up, it’s as though they’re not even there. They’re talented, but they don’t apply themselves. They’ve got good ideas but never voice them. They’re born leaders but choose to remain in the shadows. And even though they have dreams of grandeur, they choose to live an empty life.
The truth is, when any part of the human body hasn’t exercised properly, it will atrophy. The same is true of the human spirit. If you want to get anywhere, you have to start somewhere. Hard work builds character, contributes to success, and promotes happiness. The world isn’t going to beat a path to your door. It’s easy to criticize people instead of sticking your neck out; it’s painless to second-guess events instead of getting in the game; it’s easy to blame others for your circumstances instead of accepting responsibility for your actions. The fact is, you have the ability to fulfill your dreams — if you care.
Once you know what it feels like to care, you’ll never be apathetic again. As Helen Keller said, “Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all — the apathy of human beings.” People who live without caring are people who are not truly living. Who cares? I hope you do! You’ll have no one to thank except yourself.
Who Cares? (I Hope You Do!)
Please leave a comment and tell us what you think or share it with someone who can benefit from the information.
Additional Reading:
Silence…Now Hear This
Passion: Lost and Found
Hard Work is Good for Your Soul
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I love to hear what you have to say
You’re very kind, Norma. Thank you 🙂
Spot on message this morning.
Sometimes people care so little about themselves that they find it difficult to take any action to improve their situation or mental state. What haS worked for me when I cannot care for myself is to find someone else that needs a little help, and choose to care about helping them. That can create some motion, and turns into something that helps you as much as the person you are helping.
Just do something….one motion leads to the next.
Awesome suggestion, Suzanne.
“What has worked for me when I cannot care for myself is to find someone else that needs a little help, and choose to care about helping them.”
What people fail to realize is that when you exude good energy, it often comes right back to you — full circle — like a boomerang. But the real reward is feeling good about yourself and knowing that you’re making a difference.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
I love reading your post! You put down thoughts in such a clear, concise way that makes so much sense.
Thank you Jade. I’m so glad you like it. Have an awesome day!
July 4, 2018 at 10:19 am
Spot on message this morning.
Sometimes people care so little about themselves that they find it difficult to take any action to improve their situation or mental state. What haS worked for me when I cannot care for myself is to find someone else that needs a little help, and choose to care about helping them. That can create some motion, and turns into something that helps you as much as the person you are helping.
Just do something….one motion leads to the next.
That’s an awesome suggestion Adhyumna. By helping others, you help yourself. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
LOL! LOOK OUT! Apathy zombies!