When a boss, parent, or any authority figure demands that you do something, you comply. After all, they’re in charge and have the title to prove it. However, just because you do what they say doesn’t mean that your heart will be in it. Conversely, think of a person who you truly admire. They possess strong moral character, impeccable values, and a mission that you fully support. You’d go to great lengths for someone like that, wouldn’t you? That’s because they possess moral authority. People follow them not because they hold a position of power or authority, but because they are admired, trusted, and respected.
When you have moral authority, people follow you because they choose to, not because they must.
A person, company, or even a nation can possess moral authority. People are drawn to them because of their character, the principles they embody, and their commitment to doing what’s right.
Formal Authority Versus Moral Authority
Leaders exert their power in various ways, whether they are parents, business executives, or world leaders. They often use their position to pull rank, issue demands, and enforce rules and regulations, compelling compliance through either incentives or threats. Failure to comply can result in consequences that range from getting the evil eye to receiving a slap on the wrist. Although you may conform to their demands, it doesn’t sound very appealing.
Consider the individual who possesses moral authority and leads by example. They don’t need a sign on the door to show they’re in charge — their leadership speaks for itself. Moral authority arises from character and actions, not position. They inspire people through their credibility, legitimacy, and influence.
Moral authority is more powerful than any rule.
When you are trusted, respected, and admired for who you are and how you conduct yourself, magical things happen. Instead of being forced to comply with demands or stifled by rules, people think:
“I’m proud to be associated with them.”
“I’m thrilled to support their efforts.”
“I’ll do anything for them because I wholeheartedly believe in their cause.”
Moral Authority — The Quiet Strength
Think of the person who’s considered a role model by friends and colleagues, the company that makes the bulk of its sales by word of mouth, or the nation that’s revered around the globe. What qualities do they have in common?
- Live with honor and integrity.
- Do what’s right rather than what’s easy.
- Set high standards.
- Bring out the best in others.
- Are authentic and remain true to themselves.
- Stand firm to their principles rather than blowing in the wind.
- Prove themselves to be trustworthy.
- Are open, honest, and transparent.
- Keep their promises and commitments.
- Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
- Care about the well-being of others.
- Are open-minded, evenhanded, and unbiased.
- Focus on win-win relationships.
- Treat others the way they want to be treated.
- Give more than they take.
- Are quietly proud and comfortable in their own skin.
- Make a difference in the lives of others.
- Own their actions and accept the consequences.
- Lead by example.
You can’t demand moral authority; you earn it.
When you possess moral authority, there’s no need to persuade others to follow your lead, convince them that your idea is solid, or assure them that your recommendations are in their best interests. Your solid track record, honorable intentions, and selfless actions speak for themselves. Consequently, gaining support doesn’t require excessive effort, as your character and principles are evident to all. That’s the power of moral authority.
Exciting News!
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Additional Reading:
9 Powerful Reasons Why Your Moral Character Matters
What Works Better — Obedience or Commitment?
5 Qualities of Great Leaders
How Credible Are You?
Can Money Buy Respect?
Honor Yourself: Live with Integrity
Live by Example and Inspire Others to Do the Same
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