Leaders must create a shared vision that shapes the way employees feel about their organization. They must accept responsibility for making “the company,” “our company”–– a place where people work together instead of “doing their own thing.” The vision may be precise or vague; it may highlight a specific goal or a dream of a… [Read More]
Are You Working at Cross-purposes?
Are you working at cross-purposes? If you randomly selected 50 employees and asked them basic questions about the heart of your organization, would their answers be similar? For example, ask them: What is our organization’s mission? What are our core values? What factors are most important to our future success? What are our core competencies? How… [Read More]
What Does the Word Boss Mean to You?
In The Renewal Factor, Robert Waterman says that it is interesting to “look up the word boss in a book of synonyms. At the start of the list you find manage and direct. Not bad. Then the list continues with control, order, command, take charge, preside over, oversee, supervise, superintend, domineer, dominate, push around, ride… [Read More]
The Costs of Mistreating Employees
We must keep in mind all the costs of mistreating employees. Employees can express their dissatisfaction in a number of ways––all of them damaging: They can resign, taking important skills and customer knowledge with them; they can voice their discontent, thereby hurting morale; they can use every “sick day” available or continually show up late;… [Read More]
Customer Service: Is it Hard to Do Business with You?
Is customer service a priority for your organization? Even though your company may have hundreds or thousands of customers, some large and some small, each deserves to be treated as your sole customer. In all too many companies, however, no customer is treated as special. Why do companies make it so difficult to do business… [Read More]
Welcome to the New Age of Intangibles
We live in a time of unprecedented change. The world continues its transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, a new age characterized by intangibles that have far-reaching implications for everything we do. And clearly, our ability to successfully weather this transition will determine our competitive position in the world market, which will,… [Read More]
Starting a Business? Prepare for a Marathon
Starting a business? How exciting . . . You’ll get to be your own boss, call your own shots, and even determine your own salary. If you do a good job, you’ll be a raging success; if you fail, there’s no one to blame except yourself. Remember, you’ll never have to play company politics or… [Read More]
The Power of a Positive Attitude
Do you think you’re a positive person? A positive mental attitude can improve your health, enhance your relationships, increase your chances of success, and add years to your life. The fact is, most people are bombarded by negativity each day. Sure, it’s easy to cast blame by saying you’re surrounded by negative people. The reality:… [Read More]