You work hard to attract new customers. Why not invest the same effort in retaining them? Here are 45 surefire ways to torpedo a customer relationship: Employees treat customers as an inconvenience. Internal meetings detract from customer face time. Customers are nickeled-and-dimed to death. CYA is more prevalent than problem solving. Communication is nonexistent. Everything… [Read More]
How Are You Viewed on Social Media?
Honor: Your Word Is Your Bond
There was a time when keeping your word held special significance. We took great pride in being of good character. Personal integrity was both expected and valued. That was a time when everyone knew each other’s family, and you wouldn’t do anything that would cast a shadow on your family’s good name. It was a… [Read More]
Truth Be Told: 13 Ways to Demonstrate Honesty
Follow Your Conscience
Moral character is the DNA of success and happiness. Follow Your Conscience by Frank Sonnenberg, is jam-packed with actionable advice on improving your relationships, strengthening your career, and finding your purpose in life. Follow Your Conscience answers questions such as: How do you build a solid reputation? How do you achieve better balance in life? What… [Read More]
8 Communication Barriers in Business
Companies must develop a working environment that is conducive to open, trusting, caring relationships between people—an environment that welcomes new ideas and encourages constructive feedback; one in which management actively serves as a catalyst for nurturing and then disseminating new ideas. One of the functions of management is to recognize communication barriers so that the organization… [Read More]
Call Me . . . Maybe
Would you use voicemail to fire someone, recite your marriage vows in an e-mail, or end a romantic relationship via text? –– Of course not. But unfortunately, these communication media are used inappropriately every day. The fact is, each form of communication — face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, social media, e-mails, and texting — has its… [Read More]
Creative Blocks: Is Management Helping or Hurting?
Many people have little understanding of the creative process. They try to issue orders to stimulate, put time limits on, or insist that the creative process conform to preconceived notions. The fact is, the better you are at identifying creative blocks the easier it is to remove them. Management’s responsibility then is to ensure that… [Read More]