Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
When you visit friends, do you labor over what to wear? Are you conscious of how you come across? Do you consider some subjects off limits because you’re afraid the discussion may turn into an argument, or you might be judged? In short, are you comfortable being yourself around your friends? Wait a minute. If… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
I’d like to give a shout-out to all the folks who read, comment, and share my blog posts each day. Thanks so much! FrankSonnenbergOnline has attracted just over 5 million readers and was recently named one of the “Top Self-Improvement and Personal Development Blogs” in the world. In addition, I have been contacted by parents,… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
There’s an old saying that bad news travels fast. With the advent of social media, the operative word “fast” doesn’t do justice to the speed at which bad news travels today. As Doug Larson, the columnist, said, “Bad news travels fast. Good news takes the scenic route.” That said, your reputation can get flushed down the toilet in… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
If a person cried out for help, would you help them or simply watch from the sidelines? That’s not a trick question. The fact is, most people won’t respond to a cry for help, if others are present, because they expect someone else to act. The point being that when everyone’s responsible, no one’s responsible…. [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
It’s easy to say what you’d do if you were confronted with a crisis — but that’s just talk. How would you respond if you were 28 years old, newly married, and suddenly diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer? There’s one thing for sure: If I were faced with a crushing medical diagnosis, I hope… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
We all worry about things. It’s only natural. In fact, most people worry about similar things, such as having enough money, remaining in good health, performing well at work, and maintaining good relationships. Some people even worry about getting old. Essentially, we worry about what may happen, what can go wrong, and whether we’ll be… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
What could be more different than a wedding and a funeral? A wedding celebrates an exciting beginning while a funeral marks a conclusive end. A wedding gazes into a couple’s future while a funeral sums up a person’s past. A wedding brims with tears of happiness while a funeral is filled with tears of sadness…. [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes