Some people have an “unfair advantage” in the marathon race called life. This advantage will enable them to climb the ladder quickly and enjoy all the benefits that success offers. You may be thinking that these lucky folks won’t earn their achievements; that they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and are… [Read More]
Your Happiness Lies in the Balance
Do you feel pulled in a million directions? I think we all feel that way. We’re torn between wanting more and being satisfied with what we have . . . between choosing a fast-track career and having a “normal” family and social life . . . between taking another piece of chocolate and thinking about… [Read More]
What Do Tough Times Say About You?
It’s one thing to have a bad day yet quite another to fall on tough times. These are the days when it’s hard to get out of bed, not knowing how you’re going to make it through the day. These are the days when it feels like the world is crumbling around you and you’ve… [Read More]
Tough Love: A Lifelong Gift
Why are cheating, stealing, lying, and bullying so prevalent today? Don’t folks know the difference between right and wrong? More importantly, don’t they care? You have to wonder whether the offenders would have turned out the same way if they had received a dose of tough love while they were young. Here are some common… [Read More]
My Kid the Superstar
As parents, we think the world of our kids. So, when they possess a particular talent, “naturally” we think they’re ready for the Olympics, a run on Broadway, or a college scholarship — My kid the superstar. At games, you’ll find some proud parents cheering their children for giving it their best shot, while others… [Read More]
Gratitude: Give From Your Heart
Tradition: The True Meaning of Holidays
When you hear the word holiday, what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, shopping, parties, sales, and catalogs rank near the top of your list — while more shopping, parades, a day off, and football follow closely behind. Wouldn’t you think that holidays would be more meaningful to us? The truth is, many… [Read More]
There’s More to Life Than Money
It’s easy to know how well you did in school, the baseball game, or even at work. But how do you grade success in life? There’s more to life than money. In school we receive grades; in baseball we count runs; and at work we get performance reviews. But life isn’t quite that simple. We… [Read More]