Generally, when you make a mistake, you learn from it and move on. In other cases, however, poor choices become deeply ingrained as habits — which can lead to a lifetime of regret. Here are 25 choices that can change your life forever… Do you: Surround yourself with top-notch people? Recognize the impact that others… [Read More]
How to Spot a Two-Faced Hypocrite
Why It’s So Important to Set Achievable Goals
Why is it important to set achievable goals? When you set ambitious goals, it’s exciting, exhilarating, and if you hit your targets, you’ll receive well-deserved positive recognition. On top of that, thinking big and reaching for the stars is a no-lose proposition. If you achieve your goal you’re a hero and if you fail to… [Read More]
Are You Living the Life That You’re Meant to Live?
99 Ways to Be More Selfless
Some people confuse giving with sacrificing. They think when they give something away, they’re giving something up — one minute you have it and the next minute you don’t. But the truth is, if you don’t want anything in return for your kind gesture, you gain as well. The recipient benefits from your generosity while… [Read More]
What Turns Customers Off?
Nobody Can Do This, Except You
Do you want some great advice? I’ll give it to you, even though you probably won’t listen. That’s because if you’re like most people, you receive advice almost every day, and even though it’s sound, you don’t act upon it. Mind you, it comes from folks with excellent qualifications who have a vast amount of… [Read More]
What Would You Give Up to Get What You Want?
Life is about trade-offs. After all, you can’t spend money like a drunken sailor and simultaneously build a substantial nest egg, nor can you stuff your face with junk food and expect to lose weight. (At least I haven’t found a way.) This principle applies to most choices in life. The fact is when you… [Read More]
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