The Mark of a True Winner
Employee Commitment: A Recipe for Peak Performance
For today’s employee, being part of something special and making a difference in the world is much more important than the rewards sought by yesterday’s “me” generation. Employees of this new breed want to work for an organization they can feel proud of — one that contributes back to society; an organization that has values… [Read More]
Tough Love: A Lifelong Gift
Why are cheating, stealing, lying, and bullying so prevalent today? Don’t folks know the difference between right and wrong? More importantly, don’t they care? You have to wonder whether the offenders would have turned out the same way if they had received a dose of tough love while they were young. Here are some common… [Read More]
Huffington Post: Leading Role Models
Leading Role Models originally appeared in the Huffington Post September 5, 2013 This series shines a spotlight on twelve people who achieved success with heart — the right way. Several years ago I ran into an unusual situation with a consulting client. One of my colleagues suggested that I bounce my ideas off Frank Sonnenberg…. [Read More]
Honesty: The Plain and Simple Truth
What would happen if lying were the norm? Spouses wouldn’t be able to trust one another; leaders wouldn’t be credible; and the news would be meaningless. Everything, and I mean everything, depends on honesty. That’s why it’s so critical to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The truth is . . …. [Read More]
13 Elements of a Great Strategy
Can Money Buy Respect?
You may be an Academy Award winner, Super Bowl champion, president of a large corporation –– or even the leader of a nation. But none of this automatically entitles you to respect. And just because you’re famous and we’re members of your fan club, or we wish we could walk in your shoes for a… [Read More]
Be Humble: Don’t Let Success Go to Your Head
Their stories are all too common: After years of hard work pursuing the American Dream, these self-motivated high achievers reach the pinnacle of success that’s so richly deserved. And — you guessed it; they let success go to their head. Whatever happened to being humble? These folks think they’re so special. They buy expensive “toys”… [Read More]
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