Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
How many times did your parents say, “What goes around comes around?” I’m sure they’re not the only ones who gave you guidance. Your doctor probably told you to exercise and eat well, your coach taught you to master the fundamentals, and even your conscience got into the act by telling you to do what’s… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Everyone is searching for meaning in life, but few people know how to find it. The problem is that most people are seeking validation from others rather than living a life that makes them proud. You may be thinking, “Who cares? I’m too busy.” While that’s understandable, if you wait too long to identify the… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Everyone’s asked to do things they disdain. It may be attending a function with folks you don’t like, standing in for someone who’s on vacation, or eating food that you despise. But because you’re a grown-up, it comes with the territory. So, put on your big-boy pants and deal with it. The reality is everyone… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Everyone is born with the potential for greatness. What happens next is up to you. You get to choose which path you take, how high to set the bar for yourself, and how hard you’re willing to work to clear it. You get to decide how to spend your time, who to spend it with,… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
If you want to knock someone’s socks off, your actions must exceed expectations rather than just meet them. So, dazzle folks by your effort, pamper them with your care, and wow them with your commitment. Always give 110%. It’s the extra 10% that everyone remembers. You won’t receive kudos for merely doing your job or… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
How are you feeling? This post discusses something that far too many people are suffering from right now: unhappiness. But while there may be reasons that you feel frustrated or stressed out, happiness is within your control. Let me introduce you to my good friend, Sarah Hiner. Sarah is the former President and CEO of… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Most people learn life’s most valuable lessons too late in life. Here are 31 lessons that they fail to teach you in school. Never lower your standards. Never! People can’t make you do things without your permission. One of the true tests of integrity is your refusal to compromise your honor at any price. Material… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes