Take the Parent Pledge
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Take the Parent Pledge
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
The responsibility of a leader is to lead. (What a concept.) The fact is, some leaders are causing irreparable damage to great institutions by shirking their responsibilities. They’re afraid to address difficult issues, make tough decisions, and introduce the change that’s required to achieve long-term success. Instead, these “counterfeit leaders” spend much of their time playing… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Ever feel like you’re living life at warp speed? If you do, you’re not alone. There are many of us who feel like we’re doing more than ever before but failing to enjoy the fruits of our labor. What’s the rush? We’re depriving ourselves of sleep to buy a few extra minutes, communicating in sound… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Where Did the Time Go?
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Greed is a term that describes ruthless people with naked ambition, people with an insatiable appetite for riches, those who give new meaning to the word selfish. Greed evokes images of the rich and famous playing with lavish toys such as luxurious yachts, expensive furs, and mansions that resemble palaces. Think women dripping in diamonds… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
1. Airplane seats are NOT beds. 2. Why are you honking your horn? The light just turned green. 3. Are they practicing a monologue or leaving me a voicemail message? 4. They’re the first in line for a handout but last in line to give someone a hand. 5. I said you could follow up… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Do you think you’re a positive person? A positive mental attitude can improve your health, enhance your relationships, increase your chances of success, and add years to your life. The fact is, most people are bombarded by negativity each day. Sure, it’s easy to cast blame by saying you’re surrounded by negative people. The reality:… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
We’ve recently experienced one of the most difficult employment periods in history. Whether you’re a recent college graduate or an employee looking for the Holy Grail, here are some ideas to simplify your job search: Get your mind in shape. Just as you’d want to be in peak physical shape before a big game, it’s… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes