A New Day
- The average person lives approximately 25,000 days. How will you spend yours? . . . It’s a New Day.
A New Day
Each day is a gift for you to carefully unwrap. What happens next is up to you. You can cherish every second that you’re given or let time slip between your fingers. You can live every day with gusto and make every moment matter or you can be fearful and worry about what tomorrow will bring. You can reach out and make a difference in someone’s life or focus on more ways to better your own. You can pursue new ways to grow as a person or wait to see if the world stops changing. You can reach for things that’ll make you happy or you can be content with what you already have. You can drift along from dawn to dusk or live life like there’s no tomorrow. … Before you know it, the seconds become minutes, the minutes become hours, and the day disappears into the night. Yesterday is a memory — a place you can visit only in your dreams. And remember, no matter how hard you try, you can never get your minutes back. Those minutes are gone forever. Tomorrow is a new day.
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Frank you are changing the world one person at a time.
Every time someone reads NEW DAY it will remind them what is important. A new day; is a new beginning.
This poster rings of truth and meaning.
I live my life by these words.
Thank you for putting down these meaningful sentiments.
Grateful for your vision and honored by your values.
Thanks Lolly. You’re the best! You always know what to say to brighten someone’s day.
Thanks so much for sharing my posts with your friends and colleagues.
Have an awesome day!
Very well said.
Thanks Michael!
I love all your posters. Thank you
Thanks so much Truc. I’m glad you like them.
As I read your post I’m thankful that this post has been shared. It reminds me of how I encourage others to not say it seems like the year is going so fast but to live in each moment bcause we have what we say and we must only live in the time were in. Again, thank u. This speaks volume
Thanks for taking the time to write Tara. I truly appreciate it.
Have a wonderful week.
Your last sentence belies the essence of what you believe. It is not tomorrow that is a new day. It is today that is the gift. “Today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday.” When you begin each new day with gratitude for the gift, it becomes a sacred opportunity to be celebrated joyfully.
Just my two cents worth for I have believed this for a long time, see each new day as freshly fallen snow where there are no tracks. It’s laid out for me to decide where I will walk, what direction, what kinds of tracks and then, at the end of the day, I can look back, review those tracks and decisions, wrap up the day and give it back.
Thanks, Frank, for the reminder.
Well said, Gary. Thank YOU so much for your thoughts. I LOVE the snow analogy.