Some things are impossible, until they’re not. BELIEVE!
Close your eyes and have a little faith in a power higher than yourself. Things work out for no apparent reason.
When you least expect it, the stars will align, and magic will fill the air. Your dreams will be born at the intersection of hope and reality.
You won’t find an explanation for why, because it may defy all logic and reason.
Remember that life unfolds in mysterious ways. Yesterday you hoped for a miracle . . . today it became a reality.
When your miracle is born, pinch yourself to make sure that it’s real. It doesn’t matter why it happened. The important thing is that it did.
If you’re looking for the impossible to come your way, have a little faith. Some of us don’t believe in miracles, but for some of us, they occur every day. It might as well be yours. BELIEVE!
Do You Believe?
Additional Reading:
The Power of a Positive Attitude
Promise Yourself
A New Day
Make Every Moment Matter
25 Inspirational Quotes to Live By
Impossible Is Always Possible
Own Your Life!
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Your new post reads like a poem.
I “BELIEVE” your message is very important and will be very helpful and inspirational to those who read it.
Your “faithful” friend.
Thanks! I’m glad you like it Lolly.
Today’s post — “Believe” — is a great re-reminder of what’s important.
Thanks for the priority reset Frank.
Hey Dan
Great hearing from you. I hope life is treating you well. I’m glad this post resonated with you.
Have an awesome day!
Dear Frank,
Inspiratinal is the first word I keep in mind.
Thank you so much Frank for this wonderful message.
It’ll be shared as far as I could.
Hi Lola
Thanks for your encouragement and support. I’m glad you like it.
How lovely to come across “Believe” on the very day we met for the first time. My mum used to say ” if you want to be somebody be yourself” as an English woman I used to lack what I call “Americanism” in that; it’s just not in our DNA to big ourselves up, a trait I have long since admired in you guys. Having now adopted an Anglo- American stance,I’m going global Frank, albeit politely ! 🙂 #Believe
Hi Dee
It’s wonderful meeting you. I love the advice from your Mum, “If you want to be somebody be yourself.” That’s awesome! I’m glad that you’re going global. If you have a great story to tell, why not? If you believe you can, you will. Believe!
Have an awesome day!