Honor Yourself: Live with Integrity
People with integrity share 12 characteristics. They should be treated as guideposts in your journey through life.
Value integrity. Recognize who you are and the values that you aspire to. Provide others with the confidence of knowing that your intentions and actions are always genuine. Be prepared to compromise your viewpoint, but never your principles.
Be true to yourself. In staying true to your beliefs, be sure to do right by others and to always take the high ground. Trust your instincts rather than seeking validation from others. You have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.
Keep good company. Surround yourself with honorable people. Support each other. Allow them to serve as role models and sounding boards that inspire you to become a better you. And look for ways to help others grow in honor and integrity.
Be confident. Don’t let your behavior be influenced by others who do not share your values; hold yourself to a much higher standard –– your conscience. Your character is on display every moment of every day. Make sure it reflects well on you and causes people to feel proud to call you a friend.
Do what’s right. Make good choices. Follow the spirit as well as the letter of the law. At the center of the United States Military Academy is the Cadet Honor Code, which states “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” Care not only about where life is taking you, but about how you’re getting there as well.
Be honest and transparent. When you stand for honesty, everything you say carries the voice of credibility. But when you’re dishonest, your soiled reputation will do the speaking for you. The fact is, honest people never fear the truth.
Honor your word. Every time you make a promise, you put your honor and integrity on the line. Keeping that promise should be as important to you as it is to the recipient.
Be loyal. Meaningful relationships don’t happen by chance. When you live with honor, people know your behavior is reliable, your heart is in the right place, and your word is as good as gold.
Accept personal responsibility. Be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions. Knowing what’s right isn’t as important as doing what’s right. Be aware that yours will not always be the most popular road traveled.
Be resilient. Hard work and sacrifice build character, contribute to success, and promote happiness. It was this very reality that moved former baseball player Sam Ewing to observe, “Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.”
Make a difference. Be a positive force in people’s lives. Make people feel special; bring out the best in them; help them without expecting something in return; be genuinely happy for their achievements. The more you do for others, the happier you’ll be.
Live for a cause greater than yourself. Find your life’s purpose. It will inspire you, keep you grounded, and provide stability regardless of the turbulence in your life. Most of all, living life with purpose will motivate you to get up in the morning and make your life meaningful.
Do You Live with Integrity?
Please leave a comment and tell us what you think or share it with someone who can benefit from the information.
Additional Reading:
Moral Character Matters
A Promise Is a Promise
Reputation: You Can’t Run from Your Shadow
Honesty: The Plain and Simple Truth
Living Life With a Purpose
Hard Work Is Good for Your Soul
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“The truth shouldn’t be told only when it’s convenient. Honesty must be a way of life.”
I was reading quotes when I came across your name, sonnenberg
Great meeting you Joel. I hope to see you back again soon. Have an awesome day!
Thanks alot am a student in Africa Nazarene University in Kenya taking first degree in education and I chose Integrity and it’s application in my life as a term paper assignment. Am greatfull because I have gotten an insight of what integrity is.Blessings
Hi Ester
I’m glad you chose integrity as your topic. I believe there’s noting more important 🙂 As former US Senator Alan K. Simpson said, “If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.”
Good luck with your assignment. And thanks for taking the time to write.
This was a great article, Sir! Very inspiring. Something I’d like to instil in myself and live with. Thank you for this!
Thanks Aymen.
Some of the most precious things you possess are your honor, your dignity, and your reputation. Be the person others look up to — whose character is beyond reproach. Be the one who inspires others to achieve excellence. And be the one who lives with honor and dignity. At the end of the day, if you’re not proud of who you are and the way you choose to live your life, little else matters.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
It’s a beautiful article as well inspiring too. Hope these type article will also be posted in future too.
Can you please suggest me a slogan on ‘Integrity a way of Life’
Hi Dinesh
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it.
I don’t have a slogan that comes to mind. Sorry.
I have led a lifetime since I turned 35 filled with lies and deceit. I have always had very responsible jobs and performed them to the best of my ability to the degradation of my personal life. I have been trying to change this, but I’m now 73 and am struggling very hard. How can I overcome my past and go on to live my life with integrity? Every time I resolve to clean up my act, I fall back into old patterns. I desperately want to change, but I lie about even the tiniest things.
Hi Roger
The first step in solving a problem is recognizing that there is one.
If you choose the path of honor and integrity, there may be some negative consequences. In fact, you may fall short of the prize that you had your heart set on; you may be forced to tell your boss you’re not comfortable with his or her request; or, if you did something wrong, you may have some explaining to do.
The prize for being honest is that, even though you may not win all the time, you’ll be true to yourself and your values. What’s that worth? Everything! John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach, said, “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”
Follow your conscience. You have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
I mean, If Character is lost, everything is lost. I value integrity. Always try my level best to keep my words, not only in serious matters but for timing as well. I say i will come around 11.30 Am. So, for any reason I reach after 11.30, I am still keeping my words. I try to call and inform when somehow I may not visit or visit at other time.
Bravo, Rajni !!!
When you live with honor and integrity, you’ll earn the trust and respect of others. Plus you can go to sleep with a clear conscience. What’s that worth? As you say, “everything!”
Thanks for taking the time to write.