How to Destroy Creativity and Innovation
How to Destroy Creativity and Innovation
1. Keeping people in the dark
“It’s just not right. I can’t tell you why, but I just don’t like it.”
“I know exactly what I want, but can’t explain it. When I see it, though, I’ll tell you.”
2. Dictatorships
“Here’s my idea and how to execute it!”
“Here’s my idea, what’s yours?”
3. Unrealistic time frames
“It’s only one page. It shouldn’t take more than an hour to complete.”
“I know there’s no reason to have it tomorrow, but I want it then anyway.”
4. Procrastination
“We really do want suggestions. It’s not our fault if we’re too busy to act on them.”
“I think we’ve got it now. I only have minor corrections to the thirteenth draft.”
5. Formalities and protocol
“Put it in writing.”
“Make sure your ideas conform to our format.”
“Don’t ask questions, just follow the rules.”
6. Bureaucracy
“It’s a great idea. Now just get the 10 required signoffs and we’re ready to roll.”
7. Discouraging new ideas
“I won’t have time to meet with you, so why don’t you drop it in the mail?”
“I personally wouldn’t do it, but why don’t you try anyway?”
“Don’t come up with ideas, just do your job.”
8. The evaluation process
“Rather than take the time to give you my comments, it’ll be easier if I take care of it myself.”
9. Incentives
“Why say thank you? It’s his job, isn’t it?”
10. Fear of failure
“Even though you let me down last time, I’m going to give you another chance.”
“Will you bet your job on it?”
11. Politics
“What will the boss think?”
“I wonder if my idea will offend anyone.”
12. Resistance to change
“If it’s such a great idea, how come no one ever came up with it before?”
“We’ve never done it this way before.”
13. The caste system
“Why should I listen to you? It’s not your area of expertise.”
Additional Reading:
13 Elements of a Great Strategy
Where Did the Time Go?
Trust Me: 55 Ways to Build Trust and Credibility
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To this brilliant list I would add one more: not knowing what you want in the first place. If you don’t (or can’t communicate it), no amount of creativity or innovation will please you.
Great thought Kim! It’s funny. . .as soon as I read your statement several people’s faces flashed in my head. I wonder if everyone’s experiencing the same with the other 13 points.
Have an awesome day!
Thanks Frank for the great list, everyone should be posting it above their desk and mailing it to their bosses (anonymously if necessary.
Thanks Craig. Actually, posting it on the wall is a good idea because no one would feel personally threatened. Who knows . . . maybe you’ll see some behavioral changes.
Have an awesome weekend!
Great list… However you left out the number one reason… Enactment of the new Patent Law Philosophy…First to file…. it counters so many of the good items in your list….
Good point JRD. Thanks for sharing.
The “tried and true” argument, i.e. “doing what we do best” because it worked in the past
That’s a great one, Greg. Just because something worked yesterday doesn’t mean it’ll work today. The world is changing every day. We must remain open to new ideas.
Thanks for taking the time to write.
This is an amazing, wonderful, and vital list, especially in today’s world. The dictatorship is just not working. Can we tell the mayors, governors, etc. that this is still a democracy? I totally love this list. I printed it, and plan to keep it on my wall beside my desk to always remind me as I am building my career and business to always take these points into consideration. Thanks, Frank.
Hi Karen
Thanks. I’m glad you like the poster.
Just as capital equipment must be properly maintained and repaired to protect its value, creativity (an organization’s greatest natural resource) must be nurtured if it is to provide the greatest benefits. I strongly encourage every organization to review the thirteen items in the poster and find ways to break down barriers and stimulate creativity and innovation.
Thanks for taking the time to write.