Kick the Bad Habit
The first step in modifying a behavior is recognizing the issue and having a willingness to change. Here are 40 habits that may be holding you back. Do you:
- Take people and things for granted?
- Allow yourself to get distracted by trivial things?
- Fail to keep promises — to others and to yourself?
- Talk a good game, but that’s where it ends?
- Allow jealousy, hatred, and revenge to consume you?
- Speak before thinking?
- Blame others for personal setbacks?
- Overthink things to the point of the absurd?
- Refuse to do more than is asked?
- Check items off a to-do list rather than address priorities?
- Keep score in relationships?
- Surround yourself with toxic people?
- Fail to keep problems in perspective?
- Refuse to admit mistakes or say “I’m sorry”?
- Offer advice without being asked?
- Try to please others at the expense of your own needs?
- Confuse being busy with making progress?
- See everything as black or white?
- Refuse to ask others for help?
- Follow the crowd rather than think for yourself?
- Refuse to leave your comfort zone?
- Let your emotions get the best of you?
- Fail to learn from your mistakes?
- Put things off?
- Demand perfection rather than settle for excellence?
- Try to keep up with the Joneses?
- Say “yes” when you really want to say “no”?
- Refuse to let go of the past?
- Lose patience at the drop of a hat?
- Avoid difficult situations at all costs?
- Wait till problems get out of hand before addressing them?
- Refuse to delegate and let go?
- Take on everyone’s problems as your own?
- Beat yourself up for mistakes?
- Fail to balance work and play?
- Overcommit yourself to the point of exhaustion?
- Look down on others?
- See the glass as half-empty?
- Quit at the first sign of a problem?
- Start everything; finish nothing?
Will You Kick the Bad Habit?
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Additional Reading:
What Do Your Habits Say About You?
Are You Always on the Run?
Make It a Priority
Where Did the Time Go?
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Thanks, Kaushalendra. I’m glad you like it.