Make Your Dreams Come True
Magnificent dreams are within your reach, but it requires more than hope if you want them to come true. The truth is, success won’t be served to you on a silver platter or come your way just for the asking. Dreams, unlike eggs, don’t hatch from sitting on them.
As yourself, “How much do I want my dreams to come true?” You’d be surprised how much your answer determines your fate.
Here are 14 requirements for turning your dreams into reality:
Take action. Stop procrastinating. Nothing happens until you act.
Prepare to sacrifice. Dreams come with a price tag. Know what you’re willing to sacrifice and where you draw the line.
Be passionate. Here’s a no-brainer. Follow your heart and don’t let your brain talk you out of it.
Stay confident. If you believe you can’t, you won’t!
Be strong-minded. Once you make a decision, don’t look back. Make it work.
Adopt an attitude. Surround yourself with positive people. Their energy is contagious.
Be courageous. Face your challenges head-on rather than surrendering your dreams to fear.
Make good choices. Every choice that you make will either steer you closer to or away from your goals.
Show pride. Do your best. If you’re not proud, you’re not done.
Build momentum. Set achievable, short-term goals. Small wins will keep you motivated as you pursue your long-term goals.
Exercise strength. Give it all you’ve got or don’t waste your time.
Be clever. Don’t let obstacles get in your way. Turn barriers into hurdles.
Stay the course. It takes many years to become an overnight success.
Be humble. Don’t let success go to your head.
Don’t wait for the perfect time to pursue your dreams. The truth is, it may never come. As Walt Disney said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Please leave a comment and tell us what you think or share it with someone who can benefit from the information.
Additional Reading:
The Power of a Positive Attitude
Get It Done!
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Agree on all points, it is a great deal of hard work, but it’s well worth the effort to succeed. Takes self belief, persistence and faith.
You’re right, Amanda. Success requires hard work. Anyone who believes otherwise is in for a rude awakening.
Have an awesome day!
This is beautiful. Thank you very much for the motivation.
Thank YOU Pat. I appreciate it.
I would love to turn this into a picture. Is this something you have considered selling? This would be perfect in an office.
Hi Amanda
I’m so glad you like it. You can download an 8-1/2 x 11″ poster for free by clicking on the download button under the poster 🙂
With regard to selling stuff….I’ve made a very conscious effort not to sell anything on this site. My goal is to make a difference rather than create a business for myself. I’ll shoot you an e-mail to determine whether we may be able to help you out.
Thanks again for taking the time to write.
I like your post Frank on make your dream come True that happens to be my caption on my page before I saw your post and i am highly inspired by it.
Thanks Ifeoma. I’m glad you like it 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to write.