How often do you say, “Other people have it easier,” “Why does this only happen to me?” or “I can’t do anything right.” Your outlook can work for you or against you…it’s your choice. Negative habits produce negative results. Here are seven symptoms of a victim mentality:
Feeling powerless and helpless. Some people feel they don’t have control over their situation. So they don’t even try to affect the outcome.
Dwelling on negativity. Some folks complain about their tough life just to attract attention or to fill a void in conversation.
Generating self-abuse. Some people continually put themselves down.
Remaining stuck in the past. Some folks refuse to let go of disappointments.
Blaming the world. Some people blame scapegoats for their difficulties and setbacks.
Being consumed by problems. Some folks wear their problems as a badge of honor.
Feeling cheated. Some people are envious and resentful. They believe that “the world isn’t fair.”
Life Isn’t Perfect — Stop Being a Victim
Life isn’t easy. It’s that simple. We all encounter problems, face obstacles, and experience setbacks. Why should it be any different for you? So stop the whining, blaming, and negativity. You’re only hurting yourself. Great athletes know that winning is as much mental as it is physical. Success takes effort day in and day out — even when your body says “enough.” There is great truth to the saying that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Overcoming setbacks will give you the confidence, strength, and determination to meet your next challenge. The opposite is also true. Being handed everything on a silver platter will cause atrophy of the soul. Don’t make yourself a victim. Winners make the effort while losers make excuses.
Do You Show Any of These Symptoms?
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Additional Reading:
What’s Holding You Back?
Mediocre Behavior Is a Choice
Mindfulness: 13 Ways to Obtain a Positive Mindset
15 Signs That You Need an Attitude Adjustment
Great Things Start with Great Expectations
Mental Barriers: What’s Holding You Back?
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Jill Pontiere says
Excellent article. I have a few friends, one in particular, who does nothing but find fault with anything and everyone. Always ragging on another person and always has all the answers. She is grossly over weight, and yet she tells everyone they don’t eat properly. She disagrees with everything you say, right or wrong, you are not entitled to an opinion. Her husband is one of two of my husband’s friends. My husband hasn’t many friends, but I don’t say anything to stir the pot because I don’t want to mess up the friendship he has with her husband.
Many times we are together, if I speak she shuts me down or tells me I’m totally wrong….I have learned in a wonderful 12 Step Program to just nod or say, “You could be right about that.” I do a lot of “Oh and Ahs”, but it is wearing.
We are not socializing right now with the Covid and I have to say I have enjoyed not having to be in her company.
This article would be great, but I’m not sure she would get it. But it’s ok. No one is responsible for anyone’s happiness, so I let it go.
Thanks for a great blog.
Your friend in Florida
Jill Pontiere
Frank Sonnenberg says
I hear you, Jill
Toxic people like to to drag others down to their level. My advice is to hold your head up high and remain calm and level-headed
As author Mandy Hale said, “Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”
Thanks for taking the time to write 🙂
August+Turak says
Amen Dr. Sonnenberg, AMEN. What is almost worse than having a victim mentality yourself is being one of those people who specializes in convincing others that they are victims and that the “system” is so “rigged against them” that there is no use in trying. These folks are spirit killers. And we have far too many of them in our society masquerading as sympathetic and compassionate. Well done as always my friend.
Frank Sonnenberg says
Great point, Augie. What’s the difference between destroying someone’s confidence or self-esteem through verbal abuse and convincing someone to stop trying — because the whole world is against them? In either case, they’re robing people of their dreams. I find it disgusting.
Thanks for taking the time to write.