Take the Parent Pledge

Values to Live By: These are a series of quotes to help you live a more rewarding life.
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Take the Parent Pledge
I promise to instill these values in my children:
People look up to you — so don’t let them down.
Real beauty is more than skin deep.
Make memories that you’ll cherish forever.
Do your best, or don’t do it.
Make healthy choices — you only have one body.
Learn something new every day.
Make a difference in someone’s life.
Turn barriers into hurdles.
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Your reputation is like a shadow — it will follow you everywhere.
Establish priorities or you’ll be overwhelmed by details.
Leave your comfort zone and color outside the lines.
Be honest with others and yourself.
Listen to your conscience.
Keep the faith.
Save for a rainy day or face stormy times ahead.
Give more than you take.
Invest your time rather than spending it.
Make someone feel special every day.
Forget the failure — keep the lesson.
Tell the truth or the truth will tell on you.
Don’t let success go to your head.
While effort matters, results count.
Remember your roots.
What you do speaks louder than what you say.
Get real — be yourself.
Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Set ambitious goals that are realistic and achievable.
Work hard — work smart.
Find the sunshine behind every cloud.
Live your life with gusto.
Help those who cannot help themselves.
If you’re not proud, you’re not finished.
Trust takes a long time to develop but can be destroyed in seconds.
Give unconditional love.
Don’t stress over things that you’ll forget in five years.
Don’t ask someone to do something that you wouldn’t do yourself.
Don’t just talk — communicate.
The small things make the biggest difference.
It’s one thing to dream, and quite another to make it happen.
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
Your promise should be as binding as a contract.
You can’t demand respect — you must earn it.
Hate is a cancer in one’s soul.
Moderation is the balance in life.
Trying to be excellent at everything leads to mediocrity.
An ounce of love outweighs a pound of promises.
Always give 110% — it’s the extra 10% that everyone remembers.
When you open your heart, you open your mind.
Work hard — play hard.
Where you’ve come from is less important than where you’re going.
If you try to please the world, you’ll never please yourself.
Congratulate yourself for a job well done.
If you believe you can’t, you won’t.
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LOVE this.
Oh boy, another thing to file away as future instructions on living!! This is great Frank!
Wonderful guidelines Frank. It also serves as a great reminder for us adults 🙂
This is fabulous Frank! Thank you for the phenomenal things you bring to the world!
Best to you!
Love it Frank!
Like Rossana says – it’s great for adults.
Thank you – Theresa
Frank: You should sell these as inspirational posters. (really!)
Thanks so much for your kind words. I’m so happy that you like it.
Terry, what a nice compliment. We’ve already received several requests from school districts for this poster –– to hang in classrooms and back to school packets. We’re just trying to get the word out.
I was just going to post that! I can’t wait to put one of these statements on my class communication board every day! Homework: talk about it at dinner!
This is great advice for kids- and adults as well! I think this poster should hang in C suites in companies all across the country… I love it!
I love this poster because it has such wonderful advice presented so clearly!
Thanks for all you do, Frank!
Thanks Julie for your kind words. Much appreciated.
Have a wonderful day!
Giving this to my adult daughters & grandson who has made me a great grandmother. Great advice Frank. Special New Year to you!
Hi Bev
I’m so glad you like it. Thanks so much for sharing it with your family. I wish you and your family good health and happiness in the coming year.
That’s great advice Frank, we should learn from this ourselves and make sure our children understand the importance of being a good human being from an early age.
So true, Tony. As I say, “Our future is dependent on our kids. And the future of your children is dependent on you.”
Thanks for taking the time to write.