Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
We talk down to the waitress like she’s our gofer. We shout instructions to the underling as though he’s a fool. We look away from the homeless man as if he doesn’t exist. To some folks, these people are invisible. Did you ever consider that these people have pride like you and me, they have… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
When you were born, your parents chose a name for you. They knew it was an important decision because it would identify you for life. Your name, however, is only a label; it isn’t half as important as what it represents. The fact is, although many people may share the same name, your reputation is… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
“How are you doing?” Simple question, right? There are at least two ways to answer. The first is to think of the ways that you’re blessed and highlight some of them in your response. The second is to compare yourself to others. We compare ourselves to others all the time. We compare ourselves to friends… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
It seems really hard to come by the truth these days. Politicians spin the truth, the media substitutes opinion for news, and some colleges and universities restrict debate. I’d like to address this message to all those engaged in these activities, as well as anyone else who falls into this category. As they say, “If… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
If you were granted one wish, what would it be? Some graduates might opt for riches beyond their wildest dreams while others might select something practical or choose to pay it forward to a loved one. What if this scenario wasn’t a fairy tale and you could actually make your wish come true? The truth… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Think about all the time that you spend taking care of your body: the organic food, the vitamin supplements, and, who can forget — the exercise. Do you focus the same amount of attention on your attitude, outlook, and self-confidence? The fact is, your mindset and view of the world can have a significant impact… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes