Their stories are all too common: After years of hard work pursuing the American Dream, these self-motivated high achievers reach the pinnacle of success that’s so richly deserved. And — you guessed it; they let success go to their head. Whatever happened to being humble? These folks think they’re so special. They buy expensive “toys”… [Read More]
Friends Forever
There’s More to Friendship Than Friending
When I was young, my friend let me borrow the red crayon from his new box. So I let him ride my bike. When we got older, my friend defended me in a snowball fight and sat with me at lunch so I wouldn’t have to eat alone. Years later, when we were in high… [Read More]
ACTIONS Speak Louder Than Words
The car with a religious bumper sticker just cut me off. The parent makes the rules and then routinely breaks them. The leader just asked everyone to scale back and then spends like there’s no tomorrow. The politician says, “Trust me,” but we quickly learn that his promises are empty. The truth is, talk is… [Read More]
The Values on Which Trust Rests
Trust must be carefully constructed, vigorously nurtured, and constantly reinforced. Trust is established over time, gradually, through a long chain of successful experiences. Building trusting relationships is a process that can best be described as stacking layers on a foundation one at a time in such a way that each layer bonds on top of… [Read More]
Happily Ever After
You’re Entitled to My Opinion
So, you’re a vegetarian? Great. You go to the gym every day? Wonderful. You lost 14 pounds on your newfangled diet? I’m happy for you. You’re voting for the Democratic (Republican or Independent) candidate? Super. You’re a devoted person of faith? Good for you. Now, do you want my opinion? It’s wonderful that you’ve assumed… [Read More]
You Mean the World to Me
Take 10 minutes and say thanks to a special person in your life. The teacher who inspired you to greatness . . . mentor who showed you the way . . . friend who remained by your side . . . spouse who makes everything worthwhile . . . Dear Caron, There are many… [Read More]