Losing trust does not happen without warning: A friend who was always there when needed begins to return calls sporadically; spouses stop confiding in each other; a company communicates with its employees less frequently, providing less information or holding back information. In the case of a company, the warning signs of losing trust may be… [Read More]
Can You Keep a Secret?
Once you breach a confidence, even of a friend, your relationship is permanently damaged. No matter how much you apologize or how often you assure them that it won’t happen again, there will always be an element of doubt. This applies to personal information or information about their organization; moreover, to avoid suspicion, avoid breaching… [Read More]
Relationships: A Marriage Made in Heaven
Remember your first date with that special someone? You spent hours combing through your wardrobe, fixing your hair, and making sure that the food and ambiance were perfect. You staged the “event” like a producer would a Broadway show. Ah yes, you may even have talked to the “big guy upstairs” to make sure that… [Read More]
Giving: The Most Important Lesson in Life
Some people have it all. They’re talented, motivated, and know exactly what they want out of life. These folks want success so badly they can taste it, and their behavior reflects that drive. And yet, even though they have so much promise and so much to give, this fairy tale doesn’t always have a happy… [Read More]
Reputation: You Can’t Run from Your Shadow
In a world where time is a precious resource, we often draw conclusions without examining all the information that’s available to us. We rely on shortcuts, such as someone’s reputation, to simplify the process. Did the job applicant have a good reference? What did my neighbor say about the contractor? How was the restaurant review?… [Read More]
Are You a Good Listener?
Everyone in the organization, from the top to the bottom, should strive to communicate more effectively. According to research, we spend 7 out of every 10 minutes that we are awake communicating, and that communication time is devoted 9 percent to writing, 16 percent to reading, 30 percent to speaking, and 45 percent to listening…. [Read More]
Being Lazy is a Drag
Some people are lazy bums. They do just enough to get by and would prefer to watch others work rather than lift a finger. They’re the kind of folks who’d step over something on the floor rather than bend down to pick it up. These sorry individuals watch the clock and push paper all day,… [Read More]