Important Stuff in Life
Dream No Small Dreams
“Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The American Dream may mean something different to each of us. At its best, it affords each American the freedom and opportunity to pursue happiness according to one’s own priorities. At its worst, the American… [Read More]
24 Ways to Simplify Your Life
Giving: The Most Important Lesson in Life
Some people have it all. They’re talented, motivated, and know exactly what they want out of life. These folks want success so badly they can taste it, and their behavior reflects that drive. And yet, even though they have so much promise and so much to give, this fairy tale doesn’t always have a happy… [Read More]
Kids Don’t Come with an Instruction Manual
One day you have a baby and the next day you’re bringing him or her home. Okay . . . Now what? After all, kids don’t come with an instruction manual. Sure, we’ve all been kids and vaguely remember our childhood, but that’s not a very good rehearsal for the real thing — parenthood. Becoming… [Read More]
Reputation: You Can’t Run from Your Shadow
In a world where time is a precious resource, we often draw conclusions without examining all the information that’s available to us. We rely on shortcuts, such as someone’s reputation, to simplify the process. Did the job applicant have a good reference? What did my neighbor say about the contractor? How was the restaurant review?… [Read More]
Avoid Distractions
“Do you have a minute? I have a great idea.” “I have to turn this project in half an hour. Can you take a look at it for me?” “So, what did you think of the ballgame last night?” “I’ll call when I have a really strong investment recommendation, OK?” These are some of the… [Read More]
How Heavy Is Your Baggage?
Imagine carrying a backpack filled with rocks everywhere you go. Now that’s exhausting! It gives new meaning to the phrase “doing the heavy lifting.” If the weight of that backpack seems like too much to bear, just imagine the impact of the emotional baggage that we carry every day! Think about it . . …. [Read More]