Moral authority is the invisible hand that guides ethical behavior, rooted from a person’s character, actions, and values. Unlike formal power, it doesn’t rely on titles or positions but on trust and respect earned over time. Those who wield moral influence inspire others to follow not through coercion but through example. It’s the essence of… [Read More]
5 Qualities of Great Leaders
The world is changing at a blistering pace. In years past, the health of a company was measured by the size of its balance sheet. While that still may be true today, great leaders know that an organization’s competitiveness is clearly determined by its ability to harness the power of intangibles –– often referred to… [Read More]
Counterfeit Leadership
The responsibility of a leader is to lead. (What a concept.) The fact is, some leaders are causing irreparable damage to great institutions by shirking their responsibilities. They’re afraid to address difficult issues, make tough decisions, and introduce the change that’s required to achieve long-term success. Instead, these “counterfeit leaders” spend much of their time playing… [Read More]