NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
Some people think you learn the difference between right and wrong in some magical way. Others think schools or houses of worship are where morality and values should be taught. The truth is, if you don’t accept responsibility for shaping the moral character of the next generation, you’re leaving it all up to chance. That’s… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
Sometimes when people do bad things, alarm bells go off. Other times the act flies under the radar — because the only person who knows about the deed is the person committing it. They oftentimes dismiss the incident as unimportant because they didn’t get caught — and think that makes it acceptable. That line of… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
It can be lonely to stand up for what’s right. Quite frankly, it’s hard to remain true to your values when you’re pressured to abandon them, call out bad behavior when everyone looks the other way, and tell the truth when you know you’ll become the object of scorn. You may get bullied, ridiculed, cancelled,… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
To My Readers: I’m honored to republish, with permission, an article by Rodger Dean Duncan that first appeared in Forbes January 26, 2021. In it, he interviewed me about personal accountability. — Frank Sonnenberg In a World of Bad Behavior, A Call for Personal Accountability By Rodger Dean Duncan PhD with Frank Sonnenberg When I was… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
In the good old days, people embraced values such as hard work, playing by the rules, and living with honor and integrity. Do parents still pass those values on to their kids or are they too busy to parent? Do leaders still notice how they’re influencing their followers or are they too self-absorbed to even… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce my new book — Listen to Your Conscience: That’s Why You Have One. It’s the product of a great deal of care and reflection and has been a year and a half in the making. Listen to Your Conscience. That’s Why You Have One. Some people spend their whole life… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!