NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
Imagine being a fly on the wall in your daughter’s elementary school class. The teacher introduces a new boy who has just moved into town and then asks the kids to welcome him to the class. It’s obvious that he’s uncomfortable. After all, he misses his old friends and doesn’t know anyone. To make matters… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
Some truths are so universal that everyone agrees with them. I’m sure that you, like everyone else, want your kids to grow up to be thoughtful and productive members of society. Be a good person. Everything else is secondary. Even though you want the best for your kids, sometimes you may do things, unintentionally, that… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
Your family is the most precious treasure in your life. The greatest gift you can give your kids is a solid set of values. Take a moment to determine how your actions may be affecting them. Remember, if you don’t pass your values on to your children, someone else will. If you: Teach your kids… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
If you’re a parent, I’m sure you remember the terrible twos. It’s a normal phase in a child’s development that’s marked by a burning desire for independence. The terrible twos are often accompanied by outbursts, frustration, and defiant behavior. (Ugh.) Two-year olds have an insatiable curiosity to explore the world and find a way to… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
Being a good parent isn’t for the faint of heart. It’ll test your wisdom, challenge your stamina, and defy your patience. But even though you’re not paid to be on your toes 24/7, it’s the most rewarding job in the world. Are you helping or hurting your kids? As parents, we want the very best… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!