NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
We baby our kids like infants; we coddle them like delicate crystal; and we pamper them like they’re totally incapable of surviving on their own. I can just hear the refrain, “Whatever you want, dear.” Are you preparing your kids for the real world? If our kids confront adversity, we clear a path for them…. [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!
One day you have a baby and the next day you’re bringing him or her home. Okay . . . Now what? After all, kids don’t come with an instruction manual. Sure, we’ve all been kids and vaguely remember our childhood, but that’s not a very good rehearsal for the real thing — parenthood. Becoming… [Read More]
NEW Let this audiobook speak to your soul. The Path to a Meaningful Life Available wherever you listen!