People care so much about their popularity, their appearance, and their status. They care about what people think, whether others approve, and how they measure up. What’s more, people buy things to appear successful and even lower their personal standards to gain acceptance. That’s a hefty price to pay. But how are you viewed by… [Read More]
What’s Your Personal Brand Worth?
It’s a brand-new world. In the past, employees remained with their employers for life. Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics cites that full-time employees will average 11.7 jobs from ages 18 to 48. Additionally, some folks act as free agents who do project work for any organization willing to retain their services. For that reason,… [Read More]
Reputation: You Can’t Run from Your Shadow
In a world where time is a precious resource, we often draw conclusions without examining all the information that’s available to us. We rely on shortcuts, such as someone’s reputation, to simplify the process. Did the job applicant have a good reference? What did my neighbor say about the contractor? How was the restaurant review?… [Read More]