Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
How does it feel to win something you don’t deserve, receive something you didn’t earn, or get what you want (in an underhanded way)? Contrast that with the exhilarating feeling of overcoming a big challenge, attaining success through hard work, or leaving a legacy that makes you proud. Do you live an honorable life? The… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
It’s a brand-new world. In the past, employees remained with their employers for life. Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics cites that full-time employees will average 11.7 jobs from ages 18 to 48. Additionally, some folks act as free agents who do project work for any organization willing to retain their services. For that reason,… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
When you were born, your parents chose a name for you. They knew it was an important decision because it would identify you for life. Your name, however, is only a label; it isn’t half as important as what it represents. The fact is, although many people may share the same name, your reputation is… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
Imagine sitting at the head of the table surrounded by friends. One of your best buddies walks into the room carrying a large gift, with a beaming smile on his or her face. Your guests wait in anticipation as your friend places the gift before you. Everyone leans forward, with excitement, to see the treasures… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes
In a world where time is a precious resource, we often draw conclusions without examining all the information that’s available to us. We rely on shortcuts, such as someone’s reputation, to simplify the process. Did the job applicant have a good reference? What did my neighbor say about the contractor? How was the restaurant review?… [Read More]
Listen Up! Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others — Now Available as an Audiobook. Get it on Amazon • Audible • iTunes